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Final Fantasy XIII-2 Gets Rewarded for Importing FFXIII Save Data


Now that Final Fantasy XIII-2 is finally out in North America, players who has a save data of the previous game on their console will receive some extras.

To get the following items, the player doesn’t need to have finished the game to get the rewards. By simply just having the Save Data, the game will detect it when you start a new game. Here are the complete things that you will be getting:

– a Lightning XMB Theme
– More Odds of Winning the Slots in Serendipity
– Special Monster Accessories for fashion

Final Fantasy XIII-2: Recruit ‘Twilight Odin’ in Your Party

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Ultimate Wiki Guide
Despite of not having an Eidolon that players can use in battle, there’s a monster that can comes close to Lightning’s Odin that is recruitable.

Twilight Odin is considered as one of the most useful and powerful monster that can join the players’ party. Before he turns into a monster crystal, players must face and defeat him two times in two different time periods. For those who are looking for a great monster that has a Commando role; Twilight Odin will be the best bet after some light leveling.

Before players can obtain Twilight Odin, make sure that:

– Have Vile Peaks 010 AF and 200 AF unlocked in the Historia Crux
* To unlock Vile Peaks 10 AF, use a Wild Artefact on the time gate in Academia 4XX AF.
* To unlock Vile Peaks 200 AF, use a Wild Artefact on the time gate in Archylte Steppe ?? AF


Once you have them unlocked, make sure you start in 010AF. Talk to the Blitz Squadron that got stranded after a shadowy figure attacked their ship. Each of them will ask you to do a certain quest in regards to finding its members that got lost. Once you get to a point where it asks you for proof, go back to Historia Crux and head to 200 AF.



In 200 AF of Vile Peaks, you’ll meet the remaining missing squadron. Go to the area where you see Twilight Odin engulfed in Shadow. Talk to the members of the squadron team and do their quest. Once you get the proof that you need, go back to 10 AF.



Once you show the proof to one Blitz squadron member, he’ll then ask you to investigate the shadowy figure.


In this time period, Twilight Odin is just a replica of the original form that you will fight in 200 AF. He’s much weaker in this state. Once Odin is defeated, go back to 200 AF to fight the real Odin.



Go back to the are where you find the Shadowy figure that the Blitz Commander is fighting. The shadow is no longer within Odin and now you can fight his true form. This time, it’s somewhat harder as he can use Zantetsuken, which can wipe out your party. It’s recommended that you stagger him and keep on attacking. I suggest to be more aggressive in this battle.

Final Fantasy XIII-2: Acquiring the ‘Gold’ Chocobo

Acquiring the ‘Gold’ Chocobo

We all know that in the Final Fantasy world, there are different kinds of Chocobo in the wild. In Final Fantasy XIII-2, there are different colored Chocobos that you can recruit, but one of the best colors that players can ever hope for in obtaining in the game is the Gold Chocobo.

In addition to using the Chocobos in battle, they can also be registered in Serendipity’s Chocobo Racing. Chocobos with the golden color have the best skills when it comes in using them for racing. However, the more they are used in racing, the more they get competitive with other Chocobos.

When it comes to using them in battle, the Gold Chocobo has the Commando role. Throughout the game, they’re one of the best monsters to use in yor party. The maximum level that they can achieve is 45 and when that happens, players will have a powerful ally in their party.

Now, here’s how you can obtain the one and only Gold Chocobo:


How to Obtain: In A Dying World of AF 700, refer to the map above and look for the arrow. Use Mog’s Mog Hunt and the treasure that reveals the Gold Chocobo will be there.

Final Fantasy XIII-2: Acquiring the ‘Gold’ Chocobo10.0 out of 10 based on 4 ratings

Final Fantasy XIII-2: Three Hidden Useful Monster Crystals Uncovered

Along with the plethora monsters that players can recruit in the wild, there are a lot of hidden ones that are scattered throughout different time periods. These monsters are considered very rare and is only possible to recruit when Mog finds it!

In Final Fantasy XIII-2, there are three useful hidden monster crystals that contains a very rare monsters. Once they’re fully developed and maxed their skills, they can be a helpful ally in the party. Among of the seven monsters that are beneficial in the party is the Silver Chocobo and Chichu.

Here are the list of the monsters that are hidden within the cyrstals. Mog’s Moogle Throw is the only ability that players can use to uncover them.

Silver Chocobo


Location: Academia 4xx AF
How To: In order to get the Silver Chocobo, you must use Mog’s Moogle Throw underneath the holographic Cocoon inside the Academia Headquarter where Hope and Alyssa are. It’s recommended that you have Mog’s Manifestation Fragment Skill as it will increase the chances of getting it. Be patient when doing this as it will take a lot of tries.


Note: The Silver Chocobo will be very useful in winning Chocobo Racing in Serendipity. Max out the Crystarium chart and it will become a one useful Sentinel in the party.



Location: Archylte Steppe
How To: South from the Nomad Camp, search for the area with red patches of flowers. Use Moogle Throw two times and you should Chichu.


Note: Chichu has a great defense when leveled up properly. The creature is pretty much 30% resistant to any attacks and is a very good party member for those who are seeking for a Commando role. Chichu can be considered as one of the strongest monster in the game in terms of both defense and offense. However, expect to spend a lot of money for gathering the required monster material to level it up.


Location: Archylte Steep
How To: Once you have access to the Clearwater Marshes, look for a small island (Small patches of land around the water). Keep on throwing Moogle onto that island until you get Nanochu. The probability in getting Nanochu is slim and will require about 30-50 tries depending on your luck.


Note: Nanochu is the same as Chichu when it comes in having a good defense. However, if you are seeking for a good Synergiest, Nanochu will be your best bet.

There are four more hidden crystals scattered within the game but they aren’t good enough to be considered as “useful”. But if you insist, they are Cactuarama found in the Dying World 700AF. Leyak in Sunleth Waterscape 300AF and Rangda / Cactuarina in New Bodhum 003AF.

Final Fantasy XIII-2: Wild Artefacts Location

Wild Artefact

In addition to the main time periods, there are ten hidden time periods in the Historia Crux that can only be opened when an item called the “Wild Artefact” is used.

The Wild Artefacts in the game are scattered through the different time periods. Some you will obtain automatically, while others will require Mog’s Moogle Hunt ability. For anyone who wish to explore the Historia Crux to its fullest and unlock the hidden secrets within; here are the list of the Wild Artefacts that are scattered throughout the game situs judi slot online terpercaya.


1. Serendipity ??? AF – Purchase it for 10,000 coins. If you have the Bargain Hunter fragment skill then you can get it for 7,500 coins.
2. A Dying World 700 AF – Once you complete the area, go back to the Farseer’s Relic and approach the Oracle Drive. A brief scene will occur and the Wild Artefact will appaer.
3. Oerba 200 AF – (refer to the picture above)
4. Yaschas Massif 100AF – Complete the quests of the Rubies then solve the anomaly.
5. Academia 4XXF – Go to the alley all the way to the south east portion of the map. (refer to the picture below)


6. Sunleth Waterscape 300AF – While you’re riding the monster along the Animal Trail, the Wild Artefact will be visible. Throw Mog to get it.
7. August Tower 200 AF – At the end of the battle with Proto fal’Cie, the Wild Artefact should be there.
8. Bresha Ruins 005 – Use Moogle Hunt after the tutorial.
9. Bresha Ruins 300 AF – Look for the NPC that looks like a ghost (near to the area where you fought Atlas). Do his request and he’ll give you an Artefact.
10. Archylte Steppe ??? AF – Once you have the Clearwater Marsh explored, go to the northern part of the area and look for a cliff. The Wild Artefact will be there on the lower platform.

Final Fantasy XIII-2: Wild Artefacts Location9.5 out of 10 based on 15 ratings

Final Fantasy XIII-2: Easiest Way to Farm CP and Level Up Faster

Final Fantasy XIII-2: Easiest Way to Farm CP and Level Up Faster

Obtaining Crystarium Points is very important in Final Fantasy XIII-2 as it will help you increase the role level of the characters in your party. There are several ways to get a good amount of CP such as collecting fragments or simply battling monsters.

For those who are near the end of the game and are looking to for an easy way to collect Crystarium Points (CP), there is an easy way to do it and you can expect to get 3000 CP per battle. However, before this can happen, you will be needing the following fragment skills; Rolling in CP (doubles your CP per battle) and Battlemania (increases the spawn rate of rare enemies).

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Ultimate Wiki Guide
Assuming you have these two fragment skills, it’s now time to farm CP.

1. With Rolling in CP and Battlemania Fragment Skill set to ON, go to Yaschas Massif AF100 / AF 110
2. Remember the area where there’s a search light?
3. Seek out for the White Behemoth (Narasimha) and take him down. Be careful as the Behemoth is a strong enemy. Make sure you’re prepared.
4. Once done, you can get 3000-4000CP.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Complete Paradox Endings Guide

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Complete Paradox Endings Guide

In addition to the true ending of Final Fantasy XIII-2, there are eight alternate endings referred to as “Paradox Endings”. These eight endings can only be triggered by doing certain tasks in the worlds.

Through the numerous time vortexes that you will venture inside, there will be a point in time that players will need to do something in order to trigger a paradox ending. By triggering a paradox ending, it doesn’t simply end the game. With the time traveling that Square Enix implemented in the game, they made FFXIII-2 pretty much endless as things change from one time to another.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Ultimate Wiki Guide
For those who wish to unlock every Paradox Ending, here’s the complete guide.

Fate and Freedom

How to Unlock: When you arrive on the New Bodhum in the year AF00X, you’ll trigger a series of Live Trigger events with the four NORA members. After talking to them, they’ll ask you to visit the NORA house. Inside, trigger a cutscene involving Snow. Go outside and everybody will be gone to the beach area. From the NORA house, head south and you’ll find Lightning. She’ll ask you if you want to be with her; say YES and you’ll unlock the first paradox ending that won’t require you to finish the game.
Requirements: None

A Giant Mistake

How to Unlock: Remember how you have to weaken Atlas in order to beat him in New Bodhum 005 AF? Well, once you have the Time Gate Seal, close the gate in New Bodhum 005 AF to reset the events. Now, instead of weakening him first in order to take him down, fight him straight on. Once defeated, you will unlock the Paradox Ending.
Requirements: “Scars” Gate Seal, Character’s HP to at least 4000 as he’s super strong.

Beneath a Timeless Sky

How to Unlock: Once you complete the game and obtain the Paradox Scope fragment skill, close the time gate of Academia 4XXF and replay through the area until you reach the end of the Void Beyond. In the Void Beyond, turn on the Paradox Scope and fight Caius once again in his much stronger persona. I would suggest that you should have at least 5000 HP for all the characters in the party. When he’s defeated, a New Bodhum XXXAF timeline will be revealed in Historia Crux.
Requirements: Paradox Scope, Serah’s HP to 4000 to survive

Heir to Chaos

How to Unlock: Assuming you finished the game and have the Paradox Scope, head to Academia 4XXF (with the Paradox Scope turned OFF) and replay through the area until you reach New Bodhum, then onto the Dying World 700 AF. When Noel is in his dreamworld, turn the Paradox Scope ON and fight Caius. Similar to the “Beneath a Timeless Sky” paradox ending, Caius is much stronger. I suggest for Noel to have at least 5000 HP in order to survive the battle. Once he’s down, Dying World XXXAF will be revealed in the Historia Crux.
Requirements: Paradox Scope, Noel’s HP to 5000 to survive.

Mischievous Mog’s Marvelous Plan With Flan

How to Unlock: Similar to “A Giant Mistake” paradox ending, you will need to defeat the big red flan in Sunleth Waterscape 300AF (close the time gate in order to reset the events). The Royal Ripeness is easy to defeat when you have both characters in a HP of 3000 or more. Since he deals a status damage to the party, make sure you have a reliable healer in your party that can both cast Esuna and Curaja.
Requirements: Time Gate Seal

Test Subjects

How to Unlock: Replay Augusta Tower 200AF with the Paradox Scope set to ON. Go through all the way to the top and fight Proto fal’Cie Adam. Compared to its previous form without the Paradox Scope, he’s much more stronger so prepare for a good fight.
Requirements: Paradox Scope

The Future is Hope

How to Unlock: With the Paradox Scope set to ON, close the time gate in Academia 4XXF. When you give the Graviton Cores to Alyssa, she’ll hand you the Vagabond Artefact. Refuse her offer then the Paradox Ending will begin.
Requirements: Paradox Scope

Vanille’s Truth

How to Unlock: Once you have the Paradox Scope, set the fragment skill ON and head to Oerba 200 AF with its time gate closed to reset the events. Your goal is to reach the Deserted School House where you fought Caius and saw Yeul. Fight the stronger version of Caius and take him down. When he’s defeated, Oerba XXXF will be unlocked and you can watch the Paradox Ending. At this fight, I would recommend for you to have at least 3000HP.
Requirements: Paradox Scope

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Fragment Skills Guide


In Final Fantasy XIII-2, collecting fragments are one of the ways to get stronger in the game as the more fragments you get, more fragment skill gets unlocked, thus allowing you to have abilities that can double your CP and more.

When you reach Serendipity, there will be a house to the west where a Chocogirl in yellow, the Mystic, will be waiting for you. Depending on how many fragments you get, or where you at in the story, fragment skills will be given to you.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Ultimate Wiki Guide
Here are the list of fragments, descriptions, and how to get them.


– Mog’s Manifestation
Description: Let Mog find treasure where no treasure can be seen. Improves Moogle Throw
How To: Unlocks automatically upon visiting the Mystic of Serendipity.

– Haggler
Description: Sell items to shops for more gil. Increase the rate of sale by 10%.
How To: Unlocks automatically upon visiting the Mystic of Serendipity.

– Bargain Hunter
Description: Buy items from shops for less gil. Get 25% off from Chocolina’s item.
How To: Unlocks automatically upon visiting the Mystic of Serendipity at the end of Episode 5.

– Anti-Gravity Jump
Description: Defy Gravity and Jumps further. Allows Serah or Noel to levitate for a couple of seconds after jumping.
How To: Unlocks automatically upon visiting the Mystic of Serendipity at the end of Episode 5.

– Encounter Master
Description: Change Enemy Rate Encounter. Can increase or decrease enemy encounter rate. Good for hunting rare feral creatures.
How To: Collect all fragments in Yaschas Massif timeline. (Guide will be followed on all fragments later)

– Rolling in CP
Description: Earn more CP from battles. Doubles the amount of CP you earn in battle.
How To: Collect all fragments in both Yaschas Massif and Bresha Ruins timeline. (Guide will be followed on all fragments later)

– Mobile Mog
Description: Improves the time Mog recovers after using Mog Throw or Mog Hunt.
How To: Collect all fragments in Oerba timeline and unlock the Paradox Ending in 200AF.

– Field Killer
Description: Weak enemies get eliminated when you use the on-screen attack command when Mog Clock shows up.
How To: Collect all fragments in Academic Reward and Great Mog Wisdom categories.

– Eyes of the Goddess
Description: Allows you to change camera controls during cutscenes.
How To: Collect all fragments in New Bodhum 003AF, Bresha Ruins 005AF, Yashcas Massif 010/01x AF, Oerba 200AF, and SUnleth Waterscape 300AF.

– Battlemania
Description: Increase the spawn rate of rare enemies.
How To: Complete the Academic Rank: Paradox Professor in Academia 400AF.

– Chocobo Music
Description: Change the music whenever you’re riding a chocobo.
How To: Collect all fragments in Monster Bits and Bounty Hunter categories including the bosses found in Archylte Steppe bosses.

– Paradox Scope
Description: Unlocks specific events that can lead to a Paradox Ending.
How To: Complete the game.

– Clock Master
Description: Speed up the events and battle scenes when playing.
How To: Collect all 160 Fragments

Final Fantasy XIII-2: Five Tips for Starting Time Travelers

The ability to time travel is no easy task. In Final Fantasy XIII-2, you can expect to spend a lot of time going through different time periods in an attempt to resolve the paradox. With so many worlds available within the game, expect to face some hardships.

As Final Fantasy XIII-2 is now available in North America, I’m sure there are a lot of gamers out there seeking for tips on how to conquer the game. XIII-2 is different than its predecessor in so many ways that even fans can get confused. In my thirty hour playthrough and with almost all of the fragments collected, I’ve learned some new things about the game in the hard way.

Here are the tips for gamers who wishes to master Final Fantasy XIII-2.

1. Collect Fragments Along the Way
On your first playthrough, try to get as many of the fragments in each time period. Doing so will allow you to unlock some Fragment skills as soon as you reach Serendipity. These Fragment Skills can only be unlocked after obtaining all fragments in one time period. Important fragment skills such as Raise CP are essential for those who desire to grind and max out the roles of Serah and Noel.

2. Pick the Obvious Answers in Live Trigger
Final Fantasy XIII-2 has an event called “Live Trigger”. During the event you will have to choose from a set of options on the screen. Picking the most obvious choice will always lead to a right answer. If a wrong answer is chosen, it could lead to an unfortunate Paradox Ending.

3. Grind as Much as Possible
Without spoiling anything from the game, I highly suggest you grind and to master all roles for the two characters. Doing so will give you a huge advantage in taking down the four consecutive boss fights at the end of the game (as I had a hard time!). Make sure that your Feral Creature is all maxed out to take advantage of their skills. Also, once you finish the game, more difficult enemies lurk around the world of Final Fantasy XIII-2, some of these enemies are even more dangerous than the end boss.

4. Learn About your Feral Ally
From the beginning till the end of your journey, you’ll rely on the three Feral allies  in your party. With so many monsters that you can recruit as an ally, it’s always best to know which one is the right for your team. Always pay attention to what skills can be  unlocked in the Crystarium chart as knowing what skills will be available will pretty much benefit your future battle with difficult bosses. Also, always pick different roles and have a good Paradigm combinations.

5. Look Into Your Surroundings for Mog’s Moogle Throw
Mog is a very important character in the game. With his abilities, you can uncover items that are hidden within the map. If you wish to get every fragment, you will need to pretty much learn how to use Mog’s Moogle Throw or Mog Hunt. If there’s a time you see a treasure that is invisible, use Mog Hunt and if you see a treasure that is beyond your reach, it’s always best if you throw Mog for him to get it. Don’t also forget that you can improve Mog’s ability by collecting every fragment in a time and visiting the Msytic in Serendipity.

These are just the five essential tips that you should keep in mind when playing Final Fantasy XIII-2. If you have anything to share, feel free to drop a comment below.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Video Review

Final Fantasy XIII-2 had a lot of mixed reactions. A few people liked the change of pace, but most people seem to hate the game at it’s core. Despite these reactions, XIII spawned another title known as Final Fantasy XIII-2. Naturally with it’s release everyone hoped a middle ground could be achieved where everyone is happy. The question is did it succeed or fail?

In this video review you will get a good grasp at what’s updated, in addition to how the concept evolved. You will also see some stunning visuals and gameplay found in Final Fantasy XIII-2.

Additionally you can check out our full review here.