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Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 (PS Vita) Review


The Lego series has a habit of being extremely addicting no matter how old you are. Nothing is better than sitting on the couch and playing a game where you don’t have to worry about the hardships of a kill/death ratio or saving the galaxy from a race of harvesting aliens. In Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 for the Playstation Vita, players will assume control of Harry and company and duel their way through the last 3 books in the series leading up to the final duel with Voldemort.

With Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 already seeing a release on all of the other major consoles, will this entry add anything different to make it worth a purchase? Or is it just a copy and paste of what we have already seen? Here are the Hots and Nots of Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 for the Playstation Vita.


Fun Gameplay In A Portable Package

Lego Harry Potter offers the same fun gameplay that you would expect to find in a Lego game. Its also extremely easy for anyone to pick up and play right from the start. The game also provides helpful hints for those who may get stuck on some of the game’s puzzles. Harry Potter adds its own magical twist to the gameplay by allowing you to cast spells and create potions for combat and puzzles and players will once again collect the various bricks, stubs, mini-kits and secrets that the game has to offer. The game includes over 150 different characters for you to collect from the Happy Potter universe. The game spans the final 3 movies (The Order of the Phoenix, The Half Blood Prince and The Deathly Hallows) with The Deathly Hallows split into 2 different parts bringing the count to 4 different movies with 5 levels each all packed to the brim with goodies to find.

The dueling mode also returns in the portable version letting you duke it out with various characters from the HP universe in one on one magic duels. These play out like puzzle battles and tend to keep you on your toes in the later fights with harder characters. You have to cast your spell either to the left or right while either shielding or deflecting your opponents spells. These can get hectic when spells are flying everywhere and can be really fun when you are simultaneously casting your own spells and deflecting your opponents spells back at them. This mode is definitely a good diversion from the main game.

Great Soundtrack Brings In Music From The Movies

Even the portable version of Lego Harry Potter utilizes the excellent music that was found in the movies. You can also expect the usual clinking of the studs and other sound effects that you would normally find in a typical Lego game. The spells crackle through the air and the Lego versions of the characters make their funny voices during the cutscenes. Telltale Games really did a good job of bringing the entire Lego experience to the handheld.


Tons of Collectibles to Be Collected

As with every Lego title that has been released so far, there is a ton of things for you to find in the Vita version of Lego Harry Potter. Players will search each level for mini-kits, red bricks and studs in pursuit of the 100% completion. Players who want to get 100% in the game will have to collect all of items in a level, earn True Wizard in every level, collect all 150 characters and complete all of the different duels. There is definitely quite a bit for players to do and find in the game. Not to mention a big chunk of the things that you have to collect in levels have to be collected in free play mode with different characters meaning you will have to run through the story at least twice to get everything.


Lack of Any Sort of Co-op

Lego Harry Potter for the Playstation Vita lacks a multiplayer component of any kind. You can not connect with other players via ad-hoc or online in order to play the levels cooperatively. You can’t even connect with others to play the dueling mode. Without being able to play the story levels with a friend, it doesn’t really feel like a true Lego game. Not to mention it takes the flow out of things when you have to switch to the character you need rather than playing with a friend and having them play as another useful character. Maybe the next Lego entry will include a co-op feature.

Graphics Are A Bit Bland

The graphics in both the pre-rendered and gameplay scenarios could have been a bit better than they actually are. They tend to be really muddied and run together giving it a very bleak and bland look. The character models don’t look terrible but they can be a bit jagged at times and the game slow down when the action picks up with a big grouping of characters on the screen.


Doesn’t Offer Anything New

The Vita Version of Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 doesn’t really offer anything different from what can be experienced on the console version. The game includes touch function but you will find that it isn’t worth using since the same functions are also more conveniently mapped on the face buttons. Therefore if you have played the game on a different console then you really won’t find anything new here unless you are looking for a portable Lego experience.


Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 for the Playstation Vita is a game that should only be bought if you haven’t played it before or are looking for a portable Lego experience for a road trip. The gameplay is fun and easy to pick up and there is quite a bit for you to collect, but with it lacking the co-op experience and not offering anything new, this really isn’t the defining Lego game for the Playstation Vita. You may be better off waiting for Lego Batman 2 to hit the Vita.

[Editor’s Note: Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 was reviewed on the Playstation Vita hardware. The game was provided to us by the publisher for review purposes.]

Rugby Challenge Won’t Be Released In Europe Before World Cup Starts

It was revealed on the official Rugby Challenge Facebook page that Rugby Challenge won’t be released in Europe in time for the Rugby World Cup.

A rumor suggested that the game would be released on September 8th in the UK/Ireland/Wales. This is not the case as here’s what was posted on the Facebook page:

“To quell the rumours- release in the UK/Ireland/Wales will not be on the 8/9 September 2011.”

Rugby fans will know that the Rugby World Cup officially kicks off on September 9th with New Zealand facing off against Tonga in the opening match as Eden Park.

Sadly, European and North American gamers won’t be able to play Rugby Challenge to celebrate the start of the Rugby World Cup 2011.

Rugby Challenge is however already available on the PS3 and Xbox 360 in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. A PC release date for the game is to be announced at a later date.

New DLC Characters Announced For Jump Force

Bandai Namco has now announced several more characters that will be joining the roster for Jump Force.

Many of the new characters are from anime such as the likeNARUTODragon Ball ZONE PIECEBLEACHHUNTER X HUNTER, and MY HERO ACADEMIA.

While no release date has been announced yet, these characters should be coming to Jump Force very soon. You can buy the characters individually or they are also available via the Character Pass which costs $29.99.

To know more information about the new characters joining the game, you can read the details as posted in the official press release down below.

Biscuit Krueger (HUNTER X HUNTER) – A treasure hunter who hides her true age behind a young appearance. While her original form is that of a muscular adult woman, she prefers to stay in her child form to her advantage in gathering intel and deceiving opponents while in combat.

Majin Buu (Dragon Ball Z) – A fearsome enemy of Goku and the Z Fighters. Majin Buu’s endless appetite and lust for destruction make him a terrible threat.

Madara Uchiha (NARUTO) – A legendary leader of the Uchiha clan and founder of Hidden Leaf Village. He plans to rule the Ninja World as a god and is resurrected as an unstoppable ninja during the Forth Great Ninja War.

Trafalgar D. Water Law (ONE PIECE) –A friendly rival to Luffy of the Straw Hat Pirates. Law is part of a group known as the Worst Generation as well as being the captain and doctor of the Heart Pirates.

Hitsugaya Toshiro (BLEACH) – A captain of the 10th division of the Gotei 13, a group of Soul Reapers governing the flow of souls between the human world and afterlife realm known as Soul Society.

Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez (BLEACH) – Formerly the 6th Espada in Sosuke Aizen’s army. Grimmjow’s brutal and sadistic personality makes him one of the major antagonists of the BLEACH series.

Katsuki Bakugo (MY HERO ACADEMIA) – A student in Class 1-A in the U.A. High School. Katsuki is Midoriya’s on-and-off again friend and rival. Katsuki’s Quirk allows him to utilize explosion attacks through special sweat glands in his palms.

Jump Force is out now for you to buy for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Guide- How to beat Antenolla


In this week’s update for Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, a new foe has arrived in the Vortex called Antenolla.

Compared to past trials, Antenolla is much tougher and require some strategy in taking it down. Below is our guide in how to beat this cumbersome boss:

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Guide


Complete Quest – 20 Lapis
Party of 5 or less (Companion included) – 10 Lapis
Defeat the Antenolla with an esper – 10 Lapis
Clear without an ally being KO’d – 10 Lapis

Clear Bonus: Thorned Mace

Tips to remember when fighting Antenolla

– Antenolla has four different parts that you have to defeat: the roots, leaves, the ivy, and the flower itself.
– When taking down Antenolla, make sure that you don’t touch or kill the flower in the middle. Doing so will aggro the other parts and it will unleash a devastating attack that could wipe the entire team.
– The order of how you should take down the boss are the following: roots -> vines -> leaves -> flower
– Bringing a unit with “FULL BREAK” will make the fight easier and allows you to deal more damage to one part.
– Having a tank in the party will help mitigate the damage that the bosses will unleash.
– Don’t use AOE skills. If you have a single target skill, the better and easier the fight will be.
– This will be a long fight, even for someone who has OP characters. Bring Ether, Turbo Ether or Elixir to replenish the MP
– Bringing a Mage is something I would not recommend. Bring an physical attacker instead that has single target
– If you have Refia, hopefully you have the Dual Cast TMR to help the spam heals. Otherwise, both Refia and Cecil can do the healing

Recommended Units

Refia (Healer)
You need a healer Refia for its Full-Life revive skill. There’s a chance Antenolla will kill a certain unit and having a Full-Life available will ease the pain of reviving and healing.
Cecil (Tank)
The best tank as of this moment is Cecil. Bring him as you will not only use him as your tank, he can also help catch up with heals
Elza (Full Breaker)
Elza is no doubt the best Full Breaker right now, thanks to her Ravaging Blow skill. If you don’t have a Full Breaker, hopefully you have added someone whose leader is her.

Quick Facts

Antenolla (Flower) – Weak to Wind element
Antenolla (Ivy) – Weak to Water and Dark element
Antenolla (Leaves) – Weak to Earth element
Antenolla (Roots) – Weak to Earth element

All parts of the boss are immune to Gravity and Death

First Valhalla Knights Game Available For Free


Unclear if it’s an unannounced promotion or pricing gaffe on the Sony PlayStation Store, XSeeD’s first entry in the party-based role playing series Valhalla Knights is currently available free of charge.

The first Valhalla Knights sets the stage for the series’ unique dungeoneering experience. With five varying classes and eight different job classes, players are free to customize their party to their hearts delight. Valhalla Knights also offers local adhoc gameplay for those with a friend that want to hone their skills in co-op missions before the latest entry hits store shelves.

You can locate the download link to Valhalla Knights here via PC or by searching ‘Valhalla Knights‘ on the Playstation Store.

Valhalla Knights 3, the first next-gen entry in the series, will be available on PlayStation Vita in North America on October 15th. Check back later for our review!

Tekken 7 PC System Requirements Have Now Been Revealed

If you own a PC, you will be happy to know that the system requirements in order to play Tekken 7 have now been revealed. This is the first Tekken game to be released on PC.

The system requirements were revealed in Tekken 7’s Steam listing page. You may have to have a decent PC in order to play this game as you need 60GB of free space to play it and more.


    • OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required)
    • Processor: Intel Core Intel Core i3-4160 @ 3.60GHz or equivalent
    • Memory: 6 GB RAM
    • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 2GB, GTX 750Ti 2GB, or equivalent
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Network: Broadband Internet connection
    • Storage: 60 GB available space
    • Sound Card: DirectX compatible soundcard or onboard chipset


    • OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required)
    • Processor: Intel Core i5-4690 3.5 GHz or equivalent
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 equivalent or higher
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Network: Broadband Internet connection
    • Storage: 60 GB available space
    • Sound Card: DirectX compatible soundcard or onboard chipset

Tekken 7 will be released on June 2nd, 2017 for the PC, PS4 and Xbox One. It will have a story mode, 37 characters and a whole lot more.

Monster Hunter: World – Mantle, Booster and Pigment Unlock Guide

One of the best and worst things about games like Monster Hunter: World is trying to find time to unlock it all. There is always going to be an opportunity cost, be it chasing after specific armor, HR, palico upgrades, trophies, features and oh so much more. One of the easiest to overlook are mantles, boosters and the unique pigment.

Unlike a lot of things, mantles and boosters are a great way to supplement your build and do so in a way that isn’t costing you much. What they do ranges from free healing to generating cash for you team to even unlocking specific skills. They’re a must if you plan on sticking around for the long haul and extremely useful if you just want to supplement builds. With this in mind, this guide will help you unlock them all.

Editor Note: Mantles and boosters are listed in the order they’re presented in game. In addition to that, since most of these are unlocked by doing one thing, followed by completing a quest, the guide will tell you the method to unlock and then proceed to tell you what needs to be done. I also included whether it was assigned or optional to make it easier to locate.


Vitality Mantle

Mission: Assigned – Tickled Pink

Unlock Method: Story related

Ghillie Mantle

Mission: Assigned – Sinister Shadows in the Swamp

Unlock Method: Story related

Glider Mantle

Mission: Assigned – Ballooning Problems (most likely)

Unlock Method: First quest completed in Coral Highlands

Challenger Mantle

Mission: Optional – The Red and Blue Crew

Unlock Method: It should appear when you hit rank seven. If it doesn’t, look for someone hosting it and that should unlock it for you too.

Bandit Mantle

Mission: Optional – “Redefining the Power Couple”

Unlock Method: Progress in the story and then talk to Armory

Apothecary Mantle


Mission: Optional – A Portent of Disaster

Unlock Method: Fully research 10 monsters (get all the stars in the Monster Field Guide)

Immunity Mantle


Mission: Optional – A Blazing Sand

Unlock Method: Fully research 15 monsters (get all the stars in the Monster Field Guide)

Impact Mantle

Mission: Optional – Showdown: the Muck and the Maul

Unlock Method: Hunt five different threat level one (Great Jagras, Kulu-Ya-Ku, Pukei-Pukei, Barroth, Jyuratodus, Tobi-Kadachi, Anjanath, Tzitzi-Ya-Ku, Paolumu, Radobaan, etc) monsters

Evasion Mantle

Mission: Optional – New World Sky, New World Order

Unlock Method: Hunt seven different threat level two (Rathian, Legiana, Odogaron, Rathalos, Diablos, Pink Rathian, Bazelgeuse, Azure Rathalos, Black Diablos, etc) monsters

Rocksteady Mantle

Mission: Optional – A Summons from Below

Unlock Method: Hunt three different threat level three (Kirin, Nergigante, Teostra, Kushala Daora, Vaal Hazak) monsters

Fireproof Mantle

Mission: Optional – A Fiery Convergence

Unlock Method: Story progression

Waterproof Mantle

Mission: Armory R&D: Waterproofing delivery

Unlock Method: Progress in the story and collect three Jyuratodus Scale+ and one Jyuratodus Fin+

Iceproof Mantle

Mission: Armory R&D: Weatherizing delivery

Unlock Method: Progress in the story and collect three Paolumu Pelt+ and one Paolumu Wing

Thunderproof Mantle

Mission: Optional – Gone in a Flash

Unlock Method: Capture multiple monsters and complete their arenas


Health Booster

Mission: Assigned – One for the History Books

Unlock Method: Story Related

Cleanser Booster

Mission: Optional – On Nightmare’s Wings

Unlock Method: Story related

Affinity Booster


Mission: N/A

Unlock Method: Complete all the quests in the research base




Mission: Optional – The White Winds of the New World

Unlock Method: Complete every mission between one and eight stars

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate now available; Get your free items today

At long last, the highly anticipated Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate for the Nintendo 3DS is now available nationwide in North America.

To celebrate the release of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate in North America, Capcom has released an update via the Nintendo eShop where gamers can download the “Starter Pack” item that contains bunch of items. The pack has the following items that gamers can use:

Mega Potion x50
Honey x30
Mega Dash Juice x15
Well-done Steak x30
Max Potion x10
Lifepowder x20
Ancient Potion x5
Flash Bomb x30
Sonic Bomb x30
Pitfall Trap x15
Shock Trap x15
Super Mushroom x6

Need help on how to download the Starter Pack? Here’s how!


So if you’re reading this because you just got your copy of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and are ready to claim your free Starter Pack, including the Super Mario Bros. collaboration items, here’s a little guide on how to get make sure you get everything:


– Internet connection

– A copy of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

– A save file with at least one hunter created


1) Go to the Nintendo eShop

2) Download and install Patch 1.1

3) Load Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

4) Go to “Your House”

5) Talk to the “Housekeeper”

6) Select “Downloadable Content”

7) Go to the “Gift Area” option

8) Download the Starter Pack

9) Exit the Download Menu

10) Check your Item Box

Check back with us early next week for our review and bunch of guides we’ll have for the game.

Tales of Zestiria will have a lot of DLCs after launch


Bandai Namco recently announced that Tales of Zestiria will be getting a plethora of DLCs following its launch on October 20, 2015 in North America and Europe.

Gamers who pre-ordered the game on the PlayStation Store will get an exclusive Mystic Artes for Mikleo, Lailah, and Alisha. Also, a new additional chapter focusing on the character Alisha will also be given free of charge until November 18 through Bandai Namco’s VIP corner, which will let you redeem it on the PlayStation Network – once November 18 passes, players will have to buy it. As for cosmetics, there will be a lot coming and they all are from past Tales of games.

Tales of Zestiria will be available in North America on October 20, 2015 for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PC. Please note that the DLCs are cross-buy compatible.

FIFA 17 1.07 Update Out Now With Patch Notes

EA Sports has released update 1.07 for FIFA 17 this week. The full patch notes have been released so you can read on what it does and changes.

The update is available now for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. It’s not a huge update so try and install it as soon as you can. You can read the patch notes posted below courtesy of EA Sports.

FIFA Ultimate Team Added an option to reverse sort players from your club for a better experience in Squad Building Challenges and Added further anonymity to the FUT Champions intro flow

Visual/Presentation Changes Updated more than 1200 2D Player images and Updated the FIFA Club World Cup Champions Badge to appear on the current champ’s home, away, alternate and keeper kits

FIFA 18 should also be out later this year too. Apart from the usual platforms, the game will also get a version of the Nintendo Switch as well. More of the game will be showcased at the EA Play event.