Category: XBOX 360

Skyrim – Acquiring the Daedric Artifact of the Black or Azura’s Star

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Dragonborns who are seeking powerful artifacts that they can use for their equipments can find the sixteen Daedric Artifacts that are scattered throughout the game.

Each of the artifacts in Skyrim will require you in doing a side mission. While it may sound easy, each of these quests has a requirement in order for you to trigger that quest. Some of the quests that will reward you a Daedric Artifact will require you to be at specific level as some of the bosses you will face will be hard.

Here’s the first artifact that you can get that doesn’t have any prerequisites.

The Azura’s Star

– The first thing that you would need to do to unlock the Azura’s Star quest is to listen to the rumors. A barkeep such as Hulda in Whiterun will give you information on the Shrine of Azura.
– Once you hear the rumor about it, the Shrine of Azura’s location will be on your map. If you don’t like to listen to the rumors, you can simply go there. The Shrine of Azura is located south of Winterhold, near the Mount Anthalor. It’s on the peak of the mountain from Mount Anthalor.

– Now that you’re on top of Azura’s Shrine, you’ll meet a Daedra named Aranea. Talk to her and she’ll mention that she’s been waiting for you. Talking to her will unlock the quest that will begin your hunt for the Azura’s Star.

– Your first mission is to find an elven man named Neclar in the Frozen Hearth Inn in Winterhold. He’s an enchanter and he’ll tell you more about the star.
– Upon talking to him, you’ll learn more about the Azura’s star and will tell you that it’s located in Ilinalta’s Deep.

– The location for the Deep will be on your map. Go there.

– Before you enter the deep, make sure you’re prepared as there are Necromancers and Skeltons waiting to ambush you.

– Inside the deep, there are potions, and other items that you can loot. Don’t forget to take them.

– At the end of this dungeon, you’ll find that the Azura’s Star is broken. Now you’ll have some choices to make…

Want the Azura’s Star or the Black Star

Once you obtained the broken Azura’s Star, you’ll now have to choose whether you like to turn it into a Black Star that recharges using the human souls, or the Azura’s Star where it will recharge by defeating any foes that has a soul.

For the Azura’s Star…

Let Aranea fix it for you.

For the Black Star…

Let Neclar fix it for you.

Face the Boss

Once you pick which one you would like to get in the end, you’ll have to face the boss that’s lurking inside the Star to freely use it.

Inside the Star, you’ll face Malyn. Defeat his minions and eventually kill him to free the star from his curse. Now you can use the Azura’s Star or the Black Star that you get from completing this quest.

Check back with us again soon for the next Daedric Quest guide.

Skyrim – Crafting the Dragonplate / Dragonscale Armor Set

Every time you take a Dragon down in Skyrim, it always drops the loot of a Dragon Scale and a Dragon Bone. Now, you wonder what’s the use of it?


If you seek to craft an almighty armor set for your character, then crafting an entire Dragonplate or Dragonscale armor will do the job. If you’ve been taking a lot of dragons recently in Skyrim, you should probably have a lot of Dragon Scales and Bones right now. If so, then you’re ready for the final step of crafting that Dragonplate armor.

Below are the key ingredients needed for making that Dragonplate Armor set.

Dragonplate Ingredients

Dragonplate Armor

Ingredients: 3 Leather Strips, 3 Dragon Scales, 2 Dragon Bone

Dragonplate Boots

Ingredients: 2 Leather Strips, 3 Dragon Scales, 1 Dragon Bone

Dragonplate Gaunlets

Ingredients: 2 Leather Strips, 2 Dragon Scales, 1 Dragon Bone

Dragonplate Helmet

Ingredients: 2 Leather Strips, 2 Dragon Scales, 1 Dragon Bone

Dragonplate Shield

Ingredients: 1 Leather Strip, 3 Dragon Scales, 1 Dragon Bone

Dragonscale Armor Ingredients

Dragon Scale Armor

Ingredients: 3 Leather Strips, 1 Leather, 4 Dragon Scales, 2 Iron Ingot

Dragonscale Boots

Ingredients: 2 Leather Strips, 1 Leather, 2 Dragon Scales, 1 Iron Ingot

Dragonscale Gaunlets

Ingredients: 2 Leather Strips, 1 Leather, 2 Dragon Scales, 1 Iron Ingot

Dragonscale Helmet

Ingredients: 1 Leather Strip, 1 Leather, 2 Dragon Scales, 1 Iron Ingot

Dragonscale Shield

Ingredients: 2 Leather Strips, 4 Dragon Scales, 2 Iron Ingot

Skyrim – Sacrifice Your Follower & Obtain Boethiah’s Ebony Mail (Daedra Artifact)

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By playing Skyrim, we are first taught how to be a cannibal. Now, in order to get one of the fifteen Daedra Artifact in Skyrim, one of your followers has to be sacrificed. This is a small price to pay as it will get you one of the games strongest armors.

When enchanted with the right properties, the Ebony Armor Set maybe one of the best equipment that you can have in Skyrim. In order to obtain the rare Ebony Mail, you must pledge allegiance to Boethiah.

One of the requirements in unlocking the quest to get the Ebony Mail is to be at least level 30. If you are, then let’s get started.

Boethiah’s Ebony Mail

– When you reached level 30, you should be able to meet a Boethiah Cultists that will attack you. Kill him and loot the corpse to get the book of Boethiah. Read it then the quest will start.
– IF you don’t want to wait for the Boethiah Cultist, you can simply go to their sanctuary.
– Sacellum of Boethiah is located east of Windhelm around the mountains.
– If you’re not level 30 at least, you will see the place deserted.

– Once you reach their sanctuary, talk to the Priestess of Boethiah.
– Tell her you’re not afraid of Boethiah, and answer some of her questions.
– You should initiate the quest, Boethiah’s Calling.
– In order for you to get acknowledged by Boethiah, you must sacrifice someone in the altar, using the Sacrifice Blade she will give you.

– Now, you have to find someone to sacrifice.
Suggestion: Don’t sacrifice the follower you love to be with. Take the follower that you use the least the most. An example of this is Sven of Riverwood.

– After you picked the follower you want to sacrifice, go back to Sacellum of Boethiah and head on the upper level to find the altar.
– Talk to the follower and tell her to activate the pillar.
– Once she activated it, the pillar will suck her body. Use the Sacrifice Blade to kill her!

– Once she’s dead, Boethiah will posses her body and talk to you.

– After Boethiah gives her opening speech, she’ll ask everyone in the Sacellum that she’ll only acknowledge someone who is left standing.
– You’ll see all the cultist killing each other and will come after you. Kill them all!

– Once everyone is dead except you, Boethiah will now tell you that you need to kill her current Champion. By killing the Champion, you’ll become the new ones appointed by Boethiah.
– Head over to the Knifepoint Ridge as the Champion is located there.

– Clear out the settlement.
– You’ll face some tough bandits here. Be careful.
– Once they’re dead, follow the marker to go inside the mine where the Champion is inside waiting.

– Inside the mine, clear it out.
– Be careful of the strong bandits here.

– At the end of this dungeon, you’ll meet the Champion, equipped with a full Ebony Armor set.
– Kill the Champion and claim the full SET!

Now, is sacrificing someone for this Ebony Mail worth it? HELLS YEA!

Skyrim – Marrying Someone is Easy as 1, 2, 3 ; The Benefits of Marriage

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One of the new features of Skyrim is the ability to marry someone of whoever you meet in the game. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Khajit, a Nord, a male or a female. As long as you have the Amulet of Mara, you’re ready!

If you’re one of those achievement and trophy hunter, you would like to find someone to marry as an achievement will be unlocked once you’re married.

Now, the big question is, what are the requirements should you have to have this wedding?


– You must form a bond to someone
– Having a House would be ideal

Step 1

– Go to Riften and find Maramal in either at the Bee and the Barb Inn or the Temple of Mara.
– Talk to him and pay 200 Gold for the Amulet of Mara

Step 2

– Find that someone you would like to marry but before you talk to him/her, wear the Amulet of Mara

Step 3

– Once your soon-to-be spouse agrees to form a bond with you, go back to Maramal in the Temple of Mara and ask for the wedding ceremony to happen.

Step 4

– Maramal will ask you to come back at Dawn for your Wedding Ceremony to happen. Don’t be late!
– Congratulations you’re married!

Why get Married?

There are benefits as to why you would like to get married. If you have a house, you can ask your spouse to live with you.

– Now that your spouse is living with you, you can ask her/him to cook for you. Sometimes, there will be a gift waiting for you.
– If your spouse is your companion, you can ask her to carry some of your equipments and direct her to either defend you or attack your enemies.
– Always visit your spouse as there’s a chance they’ll leave you.

No PS4 or Xbox One Version of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


Square Enix has no plans to port Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII onto the PS4 or Xbox One.

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII’s design director Yuji Abe told IGN the following:

We’re not thinking about it. We set out to achieve the highest possible quality we could on the current generation of consoles, the PS3 and Xbox 360. That’s what we’ve been trying very hard to do, and we think we’re almost there. Our mission is presenting the best possible experience for gamers on those consoles. We’re not thinking about anything else, including next-gen consoles.

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII is the final game in the Final Fantasy XIII series. It will conclude Lightning’s story and hopefully resolve all of the loose ends at the end of the game.

Don’t worry Final Fantasy fans as Square Enix will be releasing Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn on the PS4 while Final Fantasy XV will hit the PS4 and Xbox One sometime in the near future too.

Skyrim – Constructing a Complete Daedric Armor / Weapon Set; Daedra Hearts Are Important

Whenever you come across a dead Daedra enemy or monsters, there’s a big chance that you can get its heart. Just like in other Elder Scrolls game, the Daedra’s Heart is an essential item into crafting a complete Daedra Armor set.


The easiest way to get a Daedra’s Heart is by doing the 15 Daedric Quests or simply going to a Daedric Dungeons. Once you farm enough Daedra’s Heart, it’s time to gather enough ingredients. Particularly, you would need an Ebony Ingot and a Leather Strip.

If you wish to craft the complete set of the Daedric Armor (Helmet, Shield, Boots, etc.) and Weapons (Bow, Sword, Dagger, Greatsword, etc.), here are the total items you would need.

– 10 Daedra Hearts
– 38 Ebony Ingots
– 17 Leather Strips

Crafting the Armor & Weapon Sets

Daedric Armor Set:

Daedric Armor
– 3 Leather Strips, 5 Ebony Ingot, 1 Daedra Heart

Daedric Boots
– 2 Leather Strips, 5 Ebony Ingot, 1 Daedra Heart

Daedric Gaunlets
– 2 Leather Strips, 2 Ebony Ingot, 1 Daedra Heart

Daedric Helmet
– 2 Leather Strip, 3 Ebony Ingot, 1 Daedra Heart

Daedra Shield
– 1 Leather Strips, 4 Ebony Ingot, 1 Daedra Heart

Daedric Weapons:

Daedric BattleAxe
– 2 Leather Strips, 5 Ebony Ingot, Daedra Heart

Daedric Bow
– 3 Ebony Ingot, 1 Daedra Heart

Daedric Dagger
– 1 Leather Strips, 1 Ebony Ingot, 1 Daedra Heart

Daedric Greatsword
– 3 Leather Strips, 5 Ebony Ingot, 1 Daedra Heart

Daedric Mace
– 1 Leather Strips, 3 Ebony Ingots, 1 Daedra Heart

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Unlockables Detailed


In every Final Fantasy games, there are always hidden unlockables that players can uncover. In Final Fantasy XIII-2, it’s no different as there are hefty of secret stuff dwelling within the game, especially for those who have a Final Fantasy XIII save data.

Players who have played Final Fantasy XIII will be heavily rewarded for their perseverance and hardwork for finishing the game. Therefore, importing it on Final Fantasy XIII-2 while starting a new game will open new items that are accessible throughout the game. As for those who doesn’t have a save file, there are still items that you can get by meeting certain conditions.


Eternal Crystal – Unlocks automatically when you imported the save data of FFXIII
Lightning Theme (PS3) / Gamer Picture (360) – Unlocks automatically when you imported the save data of FFXIII
Lightning Mask – Treasure in Serendipity if you imported the save file from FFXIII
Serah’s Mask – Treasure in the Void Beyond if you imported the save file of FFXIII

Other Themes / Gamer Picture
Noel – Get the Chronosavior Trophy
Serah – Get the Defragmented Trophy
Mog – Get the Fair Fighter trophy
Lightning – Get the Platinum Trophy

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Gets Rewarded for Importing FFXIII Save Data


Now that Final Fantasy XIII-2 is finally out in North America, players who has a save data of the previous game on their console will receive some extras.

To get the following items, the player doesn’t need to have finished the game to get the rewards. By simply just having the Save Data, the game will detect it when you start a new game. Here are the complete things that you will be getting:

– a Lightning XMB Theme
– More Odds of Winning the Slots in Serendipity
– Special Monster Accessories for fashion

Final Fantasy XIII-2: Recruit ‘Twilight Odin’ in Your Party

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Ultimate Wiki Guide
Despite of not having an Eidolon that players can use in battle, there’s a monster that can comes close to Lightning’s Odin that is recruitable.

Twilight Odin is considered as one of the most useful and powerful monster that can join the players’ party. Before he turns into a monster crystal, players must face and defeat him two times in two different time periods. For those who are looking for a great monster that has a Commando role; Twilight Odin will be the best bet after some light leveling.

Before players can obtain Twilight Odin, make sure that:

– Have Vile Peaks 010 AF and 200 AF unlocked in the Historia Crux
* To unlock Vile Peaks 10 AF, use a Wild Artefact on the time gate in Academia 4XX AF.
* To unlock Vile Peaks 200 AF, use a Wild Artefact on the time gate in Archylte Steppe ?? AF


Once you have them unlocked, make sure you start in 010AF. Talk to the Blitz Squadron that got stranded after a shadowy figure attacked their ship. Each of them will ask you to do a certain quest in regards to finding its members that got lost. Once you get to a point where it asks you for proof, go back to Historia Crux and head to 200 AF.



In 200 AF of Vile Peaks, you’ll meet the remaining missing squadron. Go to the area where you see Twilight Odin engulfed in Shadow. Talk to the members of the squadron team and do their quest. Once you get the proof that you need, go back to 10 AF.



Once you show the proof to one Blitz squadron member, he’ll then ask you to investigate the shadowy figure.


In this time period, Twilight Odin is just a replica of the original form that you will fight in 200 AF. He’s much weaker in this state. Once Odin is defeated, go back to 200 AF to fight the real Odin.



Go back to the are where you find the Shadowy figure that the Blitz Commander is fighting. The shadow is no longer within Odin and now you can fight his true form. This time, it’s somewhat harder as he can use Zantetsuken, which can wipe out your party. It’s recommended that you stagger him and keep on attacking. I suggest to be more aggressive in this battle.

Final Fantasy XIII-2: Acquiring the ‘Gold’ Chocobo

Acquiring the ‘Gold’ Chocobo

We all know that in the Final Fantasy world, there are different kinds of Chocobo in the wild. In Final Fantasy XIII-2, there are different colored Chocobos that you can recruit, but one of the best colors that players can ever hope for in obtaining in the game is the Gold Chocobo.

In addition to using the Chocobos in battle, they can also be registered in Serendipity’s Chocobo Racing. Chocobos with the golden color have the best skills when it comes in using them for racing. However, the more they are used in racing, the more they get competitive with other Chocobos.

When it comes to using them in battle, the Gold Chocobo has the Commando role. Throughout the game, they’re one of the best monsters to use in yor party. The maximum level that they can achieve is 45 and when that happens, players will have a powerful ally in their party.

Now, here’s how you can obtain the one and only Gold Chocobo:


How to Obtain: In A Dying World of AF 700, refer to the map above and look for the arrow. Use Mog’s Mog Hunt and the treasure that reveals the Gold Chocobo will be there.

Final Fantasy XIII-2: Acquiring the ‘Gold’ Chocobo10.0 out of 10 based on 4 ratings