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Alan Wake On PC Still A Possibility

Alan Wake might still see the light of day on the PC according to Aki Järvilehto from Remedy.

During an interview with a Finnish website YLEX Remedy’s Aki Järvilehto commented on a PC version of Alan Wake saying:

We have received feedback from a lot of PC gamers, and I have to admit that yes, we somehow ignored that. Let’s see if in the near future we could have some positive news to tell you about dating!

So it sounds that the game that was originally cancelled my still be set for a release but most likely not in the near future.

FIFA 18 Update Patch 1.15 Out Now For PS4 And Xbox One

EA Sports has released a new update to the PS4 and Xbox One versions of FIFA 18 today. Several things have been improved in the many modes the game has.

EA Sports revealed the patch notes for FIFA 18 via the official website. Make sure to read about all of the details in today’s update by looking at the notes posted below. Made the following changes in Language Selection:

  • Players will no longer be able to select a language when launching the game. The language used will be the language currently selected in Origin.
    • Players can change this language within the Origin client.

Made the following changes in FIFA World Cup™:

  • Changes made to the team sheets in the FIFA World Cup™ Online Tournament will now save and persist between boot sessions.
    • Changes will be saved to a file called WC Online Squad Customisations.

Removed the Cup window in the FIFA World Cup™ Online Tournament.
This means that the FIFA World Cup™ Online Tournament will no longer reset each week.

Addressed the following issues in FIFA World Cup™:

  • The Customize Controls and Game Settings tiles now work correctly with the settings defined in the Accessibility Settings screen.
  • Rarely the game would crash when attempting to rapidly progress through the FIFA World Cup™ Online Friendlies match flow.

Addressed the following issues in FIFA World Cup™ Ultimate Team:

  • A crash during the FIFA World Cup™ Ultimate Team club creation flow for some players.
    • This crash would occur if the player selected a language when launching the game that did not match the

    default language selected in Origin.

  • Toggling between the two teams on the Player Ratings screen in the Pause Menu would sometimes cause the player heads to change size.
  • Accepting a game invite to another mode within FIFA, while in the FIFA World Cup™ Ultimate Team menus, was causing some visual corruption until the game was shut down and restarted.
  • Players sometimes getting an error message following the completion of the group stage of the FIFA World Cup™ Ultimate Team Online Tournament.
  • The Swap With Duplicate option was not properly displaying on a Player Item in Duplicate Storage if you had just sent another version of that Player Item to your Club.
  • Players getting an error message when attempting to send a duplicate Player Item to their Duplicate Storage after they have swapped that Item with an item in their Active Squad.
  • The latency bars were not properly displaying the latency to the server in the FIFA World Cup™ Ultimate Team Online Tournament mode.

Addressed the following issues in FIFA Ultimate Team:

  • Rarely the game would crash after entering and exiting FIFA Ultimate Team numerous times.

Addressed the following issues in Career Mode:

  • A crash when searching for a player that you had previously scouted on a different team if that player had been fully scouted by your 6th hired scout.

Addressed the following issues in Gameplay:

  • Rarely the game would crash if you suspended and resumed the game while in the Instant Replay screens.

Monster Rancher 2 coming to Switch and smartphones this Fall

KOEI Tecmo announced today that Monster Rancher 2 port will be released on Switch, iOS, and Android devices this fall in Japan.

Monster Rancher 2 will feature new elements and improvements. It will also have over 400 monsters. Those who may have missed its original release for PlayStation back in February 1999 can look forward to the enhanced version. Sadly, no word yet if it will be released outside of Japan.

Here’s a brief story of the game, via Wikipedia:

The story of Monster Rancher 2 is largely non-linear with story events happening only after certain requirements are met (winning a battle, reaching a certain rank, etc.). The story begins with the main character going to register to become a trainer, it is there when Colt appears as the trainer’s new official assistant. The “end” of the game is when a monster is able to beat the Big Four (the four highest ranked battles in the game) when this happens a video about the history of the monsters is shown. A monster who has beaten all four of the S class tournaments can then go on to compete in a special match for champion monsters like itself.

It is important to note that Monster Rancher 2 happens in close time proximity to Monster Rancher 1, but on a different continent (MR2 being set in the IMA area, and MR1 set in the FIMBA area), because of this there is a special battle between the player and the assistant from the first game, Holly. This event takes place every four years, much like the Summer Olympics, and the player’s monster has to be of certain rank to gain entry to. The event is called the IMA vs. FIMBA meet and always takes place in the last week of August. The player must win the preceding entry tournament first, which always takes place in the last week of July, respectively.

Defeating the Major 4 tournaments and the Legend Cup does not unlock all of the monsters in the game. There are different steps to take to unlock each main breed monster.

As soon as we hear anything about a western release, we’ll definitely let you know.

Full List Of PSone Games On PS Vita

Sony has announced the full list of PSone games that will be available to download on the PS Vita PlayStation Store.

The following information is only valid for PAL gamers. The list of PSone games will be different for those living in North America and Japan.

All of the PSOne game will be available to download from August 29th.

Check out the list of games below:

Cool Boarders
Cool Boarders 2
Crash Bandicoot
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back
Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped
CTR: Crash Team Racing
Destruction Derby
Everybody’s Golf 2
Jet Rider
Jet Rider 2
Jumping Flash
Kula World
Kurushi Final
Motor Toon Grand Prix 2
Rally Cross
Syphon Filter
Syphon Filter 3
Twisted Metal
Wild Arms
40 Wink
A Bug’s Life
A Bugs Life and Monsters Inc bundle
Abe’s Exoddus
Abe’s Oddworld Oddysee
All-Star Boxing
Arc Arena: Monster Tournament
Arc the Lad
Arc the Lad II
Arc the Lad III
Arcade Hits: Shienryu .
Arcade Hits: Sonic Wings Special
Atari Anniversary Edition
Atlantis and Hercules Bundle
Bishi Bashi Special
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command
Cho Aniki
Critical Depth
Dezaemon Plus
Disney’s Action Game ft. Hercules
Eagle One: Harrier Attack
Fear Effect
Fear Effect: Retro Helix
Fighting Force
Fighting Force 2
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII
Front Mission 3
Galaxy Fight
Gex 3: Deep Under Cover
Gex 3D: Enter the Gecko
Guilty Gear
Hardcore 4X4
International Track & Field
Jigsaw Madness
Judge Dredd
Junior League Soccer PS1
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Lilo & Stitch
Little Mermaid 2
Little Mermaid 2 and Winnie The Pooh bundle
Metal Gear Solid
Mickey’s Wild Adventure
Miracle Quad Racer
Miracle Space Race
Missile Command
Monsters Inc
Namco Heritage bundle
Pandemonium 2
Parasite Eve 2
Peter Pan
Pooh’s Party Game
Rainbow Six
Rascal Racers
Rayman 2: The Great Escape
Reel Fishing
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
Resident Evil: Director’s Cut
Ridge Racer Type 4
Silent Hill
Snowboard Racer
Sorcerer’s Maze
Spin Jam
Sports Superbike
Street Fighter 2 Alpha
Super Star Dance Club
Tekken 2
Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation
Tomb Raider Chronicles
Tomb Raider 2
Tomb Raider 3
Toy Story 2
Toy Story Racer
Toy Story Racer and Toy Story 2: Woody and Buzz bundle
Vagrant Story
Urban Chaos

Matt Stonie Manages To Eat Big Smoke’s Food Order From GTA: San Andreas

Remember in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas when Big Smoke ordered a large number of food items from Cluckin’ Bell? Well a competitive eater named Matt Stonie has managed to eat his order!

Even though Cluckin’ Bell does not exist outside the virtual world of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Matt Stonie used alternatives from real-life fast food restaurants such as McDonald’s, Popeyes and Wendy’s.

He pretty much ate a ton of chicken burgers, french fries, chicken pieces and drank several cups of soda too. Overall, he consumed over 9050 calories of food in just 35 minutes. If you think Big Smoke ate lots of food, Matt Stonie is the real-life food eating king.

Big Smoke’s original order was: “Two number 9s, A number 9 large, A number 6 with extra dip, A number 7, Two number 45s, One with cheese and a large soda“. Matt Stonie’s challenge can be seen below.

Team Liquid Wins The International 2017 Dota 2 Event

Liquid was the Dota 2 pro team to come out on top at The Internation 7, the biggest esporting event in history.

The yearly event saw teams from around the world battling it out for a slice of the colossal prize pool of $23 million, the majority of which came from gamers. The top team, Liquid, won in fine style becoming the first team to 3 – 0 an opponent in the Grand Final, to take home the $10.8 million top prize.

There were some incredible plays by Liquid, whom had to fight through part of the lower bracket to get to the final. Going into the third and final final game of the best of five, they had somewhat walked the first two. However, Newbee seemed to be in a dominant position for much of the third game until a team fight at Roshan, where Juggernaut not only just survive but start slashing crits, swung the experience and gold charts firmly in Liquid’s favour.

Valve was not done with the entertainment quite then though. To cap the night off they revealed two new Dota 2 heroes:

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Guide – How to Beat Maxwell

One of the biggest surprises of Square Enix’s Collaboration with Gumi in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is the ability to fight Brave Frontier’s Maxwell.

In just the span of one week, players of Final Fantasy Brave Exvius can challenge the notorious Maxwell and earn rewards for beating her. Thanks to the newly introduced Mission system, there are valuable rewards waiting for everyone, though there are certain conditions to be met. Here are the rewards for beating Maxwell.


4* Trust Moogle
Condition: Complete the quest by defeating Maxwell

10000 Karma
Condition: Defeat Maxwell by using a Limit Break

15% Dark Resistance Materia
Condition: Defeat Maxwell without not having anyone die in battle

Maxwell (5* Unit)
Condition: Evoke Diabolos

Maxwell in this week’s event is challenging. Those who don’t have units with TMR will be having a hard time and will require a lot of patience. In my case, my units are the following:

– Lightning
– Luneth
– Elza
– Ramza
– Cecil

From the units above, about 50-75% are equipped with TMRs. It was an average fight for me as it took me about 3 turns to beat her – that’s without trying to evoke Diabolos to get Maxwell.

Now, you want to beat her? Here’s our tips!

Final Final Brave Exvius


Must Have Units

– Tank (specifically Cecil is the best option for this battle as it can do both damage mitigation and heal. If you have Dual Cast equipped on him, the better)
– Cloud of Darkness 6* (Her Omni Veil helps all units have resistance on her Light attacks. The Barrage Skill is also useful as it help builds up the Esper Evoke Bar.
– Refia 6* (Her party buff is a must in order for units to deal more damage than normal. Also her Revive skill is quite useful as most likely units will die in this fight)

Maxwell’s Attacks

Genesis – AOE + ATK Down
Meteor – ST + DEF Down
Destiny – Powerful ST Damage with chance of reduce Max HP (every 5 turns)
Resurrection – HP Recovery
Endless – Powerful AOE Attack
Revive – HP Recovery (120,000)


– During the first turn, Maxwell will use Genesis that deals AOE damage, as well debuffing your units with attack down. Make sure that your Cecil uses Provoke on this turn.
– Have the rest of your units do the necessary party buffs during the first time. If you have Ramza, do the Hero’s Song or Refia’s Embolden
– Maxwell can be debuffed (Attack/Def/SPR/Mag Down). If you have an Elza friend, her Ravaging Blow will be useful in this fight. If not, Full Break will work.
– Maxwell is weak against Dark element attacks. That means, Cloud of Darkness’ Call of the Void will be very useful in this fight.
– You will need to Evoke Diabolos in battle to get Maxwell.
– If you have Excalibur or any light property weapons, unequip it! Maxwell will resist it.
– Keep your party buff and make sure you have Curaja as there are times Maxwell will unleash several AOE attacks.
– Barrage is a useful TMR in this battle as it will help you evoke Diabolos faster
– Since Maxwell is a human, Man-Eater passive skill helps deal more damage

Rey Mysterio and Kane (Retro) WWE 2K14 Videos

2K Games has now uploaded videos for Rey Mysterio and Kane (Retro) in WWE 2K14.

Kane (Retro) is a part of WWE 2K14’s “30 Years of WrestleMania” mode. He faced of against The Undertaker at WrestleMania XIV in a fun match. Some people may have played through this match already in last year’s WWE ’13 game. Rey Mysterio is also in the game, but won’t be in the WrestleMania mode.

WWE 2K14 will be out October 29th for the PS3 and Xbox 360.

Check out the new videos below:

Rey Mysterio

Kane (Retro)

Skyrim Update 1.8 Now Available on PS3

Bethesda has sent out Skyrim’s 1.8 update to the PlayStation 3 today, as announced on the Bethblog. This comes before tomorrow’s long-awaited PSN release of Dragonborn, the latest DLC for Skyrim. So go ahead and pop the game into the system to start downloading the update.


  • General memory and stability improvements
  • Fixed rare crash when using vampiric grip
  • Fixed issue where Arnleif and Sons Trading Company could become permanently locked
  • Fixed issue related to duplicate NPCs
  • Fixed rare issue where exterior door would not open properly

During it’s launch week, the DLC will be priced half off. If you’ve been waiting for this DLC, and chances are you have been, the opening week is the time to snag the additional content.

Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky Review


While it may not have the name recognition of some other games in the RPG genre, the Atelier series from GUST has maintained a steady release schedule on PlayStation platforms since its first game back in 1997 on the original PlayStation. We have seen side games on other platforms, but Sony has managed to keep all of the mainline games on their own consoles over the years. That has not changed as our latest release is the next entry in the mainline series, exclusively for the PlayStation 3, known as Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky.


Unlike past games, when you first start up the game you must pick between two characters named Logix “Logy” Fiscario and Escha Malier. Whichever of the two characters you pick will be the one you control for the rest of the game, so it is a pretty big decision. However, the one you do not pick will still be with you throughout the game, just as your companion. The character interactions are specific to each one, but overall there is not much difference in the two, other than these interactions and the inability to move your chosen character from the front line in formations prior to battle.

Escha is your younger option as a resident of Corseit, she knows her away around and handles most of the synthesizing you will do in the Atelier. Logy is the new guy in town that joins the team with Escha, both as alchemists. Coming from an area known as Central City, Logy is the more veteran alchemist, but is from a much more advanced city than the small town of Corseit. Both characters have distinct personalities that set themselves apart, though still falling under some typical genre stereotypes.


As you play through the game, you will gain new party members as the story brings them into play. These include Escha’s brother Awin, as well as Threia, Reyfer, Lucille, and even the returning character Linca. They each have their own unique attack style, such as the very different use of earrings to attack with Threia. These are further brought out by the special supports, which will be discussed later.

Taking perhaps only a minor element of a lot of other games in the genre, the Atelier series has always had a major focus on alchemy and that is certainly no different here. However, it is definitely not a carbon copy of past games. While past entries in the franchise has had a major focus on alchemy, with combat only being more of a side note, this one splits the experience almost down the middle between the two. These two are intermixed through the use of assignments from your superior Marion, who also returns from a prior entry in the series.


For every reporting period, you will have one main assignment to complete, such as to investigate why the source of an entire village’s water supply has dried up. These will be more story oriented while the rest of your assignments are like sidequests, such as having to gather a certain number of gathering a certain number of items per period or synthesizing a certain number of items. Many of these assignments are completed by moving across the world map, which is setup almost like a board game with you moving all around spaces to get to new locations. In each of these locations you will be doing two things, gathering items and fighting enemies.


This leads to one of my biggest complaints of Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky, the repetitiveness found from doing a lot of this. While there are some advancements and variations, most of the time you will be going to and from each of these locations and then defeating the four or so sets of enemies and collecting the four or five items in each and move to the next. It would have served better if there was some sort of difference between them, but it’s a lot of the same. However, while repetitive, it can still be quite fun thanks to a fantastically complex fighting system.


At the start of the game, the combat is very simplistic, but it gradually gets more and more complex the further you get. With only three party members and only basic attacks, you will mostly just be attacking back and forth with enemies while getting the hang of the biggest part of the gameplay, known as the support system. With this, you can choose to string together support attacks on top of regular attacks or defend your party members from enemy attacks. This requires a lot of strategy, which is even further enhanced with the special support attacks later that are unique to each character. The really neat thing about the support system is you can choose how you want to use it, as you can pick whether you want to stick to all offensive, all defensive, or a balance of the two.


Another key to battle, which brings more strategy into the picture as well, is the formation setup. Prior to battle, you can setup your formations in almost anyway you please. Your chosen protagonist, either Logy or Escha, will always remain in the front row, unless changed in actual battle, but the rest can be switched around how you please. The three characters in the front will be the ones attacking the most, so it might be a good idea to put your strongest there to start off, but you have the option to choose what you want to do.

As previously mentioned, alchemy is a major part of this game and just like the combat, it grows as you get further in the game. At the start, the alchemy is pretty simplistic with the basic adding of ingredients to make other items, with little experimentation possible. However, as you branch out on the world map, you will find an abundance of ingredients that can be used in a variety of different recipes. Some of these items you will make are just used for other alchemy recipes, while some of them can be used in battle, like bombs. At first, you will only have the cauldron for basic synthesis, but later you gain access to the ability to imbue weapons and dismantle items down to their raw materials. Alchemy gets very addictive fast and is going to keep you coming back again and again.


Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky’s graphical style just feels right for this type of game. The characters all have unique character designs and look great, even with a somewhat lack of actual animation of them, as most interactions are simple conversations. The backgrounds look good as well, but are a little lackluster most of the time with none of them really standing out beyond the city of Corseit. The music also fit the setting of the game quite well, with some tracks actually reminding me of those from both the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts series.


For those coming to this game expecting an epic story like that seen in the Final Fantasy series, you are definitely in the wrong place. Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky provides a more quaint story, that features more on the characters interactions with one another than anything else. There is no main antagonist who will be at your throats the entire game, but you will come across conflicts in your new job in the town.

If you have never played any prior games in the Atelier series, do not let that turn you away from trying out this latest entry. While many elements are similar and even a couple characters make reappearances, this title is mostly a standalone experience. The main characters, as well as most others, are completely new to the series. As a result, those new to the series would know just as much about what is going on as those who have played games from the series in the past. The only disadvantage would really be not knowing the gameplay system and perhaps taking awhile to learn it.


Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky is a very fun little game that I sadly have a feeling will be missed by many in the sea of other major releases. While the assignment system may get very repetitive at times, we still get a fantastic alchemy and combat system to complement it that will keep you coming back. The support system in battle is very unique and brings a lot of strategy to the battles, rather than mindless attacking back and forth. This one has plenty of content, so you will certainly be busy for quite awhile with this game.As a mostly standalone title, Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky is an excellent jumping on point for those who may be interesting in the Atelier series. For anyone that enjoys a good low-key RPG, this game may be perfect for you.

[Editor’s Note:Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky was reviewed on the PlayStation 3. The game was provided to us by the publisher for review purposes.]