Category: Reviews

Fallout 4 Review (PC/Xbox One/PS4)

Fallout 4 is perhaps the most highly anticipated game of the year, and rightfully so. Coming from Bethesda, the team behind The Elder Scrolls and Fallout franchises, expectations are automatically through the roof. However, fear not fans of the series as you will not be disappointed. All the elements that make the previous games stand out are back with a range of new gameplay improvements and mechanics to add even more replayability to the game.

Compared to Fallout 3 or New Vegas, Fallout 4 has a story that is quite interesting compared to older games in the series. There are two time periods that you will get to experience in Fallout 4, the pre-war which takes place in 2075 where you find your customized character is living harmoniously with your family in the Sanctuary Hills, Boston. Just before a nuclear fallout happens, your family, including yourself, are lucky enough to get into Vault 111. Just when you thought you will be safe, you and your family are cryogenized in a pod. You will then find yourself awaken 200 years later with your spouse dead and kid kidnapped by some group of people. This will then start your journey in finding the culprit behind the abduction of your child and the mystery that happened in Vault 111.

First up, Looting has been dramatically improved by the use of a new looting interface system and as an integral part of any RPG, this is only good news. Unlike previous Bethesda titles, where the player were taken into a menu when attempting to pick up loot from even a small footlocker, Fallout 4’s looting is done by simply looking at an object to determine what loot is available within an object and grabbing it. For gamers who horde a lot of junk from the world, to collect junk for crafting or to sell on at vendors, this speeds up the game. It is also nice to see the back of the immersion breaking trip in and out of menus.


Due to the ease of looting and the new incredible crafting system, the inner hoarder in every player will surface at some point throughout the game. In previous Fallout titles, some players looted everything, including cutlery, to obtain huge amounts of bottle caps. However in Fallout 4, it is hard to let go of even dirty ashtrays and empty milk bottles simply for their materials that could be used for some sort of crafting. The constant thought of “what if I need that later?” will see players going as far as dropping weapons and armor so that they can hold onto materials such as adhesives solely for crafting. Never before has Wonderglue been so sort after. In other words, crafting is big in Fallout 4 as you can craft pretty much every items that you would need from stimpacks, armors, and weapons.

In addition to crafting, one main feature of Fallout 4 is the addition of making a settlement for the survivors of the nuclear fallout. Those who have played Fallout Shelter on mobile, you will get somewhat of an idea on how rebuilding a settlement works. Using the Workshop feature, you can scrap any items that you find in the settlement and use the scrapped items in crafting things for the settlement like furniture, generator, water resources, and many more. Your objective is to keep that settlement alive by giving them their needs like food, electricity, and water. You will know if you’re doing a good job in rebuilding settlement through the happy face indicator on the world map.


Aside from new features, Bethesda has stepped up its game for the main storyline; the writing for its games, with the length of side quests and faction missions, can never be called into question or referred to anything less than great but the main stories haven’t always lived up to the huge billing of the games. Fallout 3’s originally concluded with an abrupt ending, although this was tweaked via downloadable content and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’s journey as the Dragonborn was lacklustre and forgettable. This time around, despite Liam Neeson not being your father, players will find a more emotional attachment to the storyline. It is a deeper story which players will strive to complete and take pleasure in being a part of.

The story is also a great way for players to visit the bigger settlements around the huge game world. This vast world is more varied than previous titles without creating the feeling of being entirely different themes strapped together. The overarching theme of the post apocalyptic wasteland draws everything together, but color has crept back into parts of Boston to breathe life into the city. This doesn’t mean the city is by any means back to its lively nature of current times. By a clever use of a brighter color pallet, part of the city shows signs of hope whilst parts of the wasteland still offer the grim desperate side of a desolated region which is barely clinging onto life.


When it comes to combat, not much has changed but it does feel more refined and closer to a first person shooter experience than before. As before, as you venture through the wasteland, you will encounter a lot of mutated monsters and raiders that will stop you from doing your objective. Luckily, there are a lot of weapons that you can equip in the game, especially with the crafting now readily available. If at some point you feel that the weapons aren’t strong enough, you have an option to customize it by doing upgrading its barrel or ammunition capacity, and they can be done through crafting.

The most notable change to combat is that the VATS targeting system no longer stops time: instead slowing time down to a fraction of the normal speed. This allows players to still select individual body parts and target multiple enemies but without disrupting the flow of the gameplay. It also means that the players can no longer use VATS to evaluate oncoming threats free from the possibility of damage. Aside from weapons, there’s that Power Armor Suit that you can wear. Using an Armor Suit makes you tougher when facing enemies but using it will cost you a fusion cell, which can be hard to come by.

In terms of character progression, it’s done through the Perk Chart. For every time you level, you will gain a skill point that you can use in the Perk Chart. Depending on what build you started with at the beginning of the game, your character can have different kind of skills that they can use in the wasteland like, they can be an expert in sniping, hacking, and lock picking. In reality, you have the freedom to make whatever build you want your character to become. And yes, there is no level cap in the game, therefore you can make your character even stronger, even after beating the main story.


The game world may be huge, but Bethesda has once again smashed it out of the park with its attention to even the smallest details. The quality and level of details that make it into the game is hard to believe: including entertaining posters that can be seen on walls, the little quips that make it into the dialogue of passersby, notes left on random terminals across the wastelands and so much more. Bethesda as always has managed to squeeze such detail into the lore of the game world and draw even more detail from the lore of the franchise; this combines together to create a believable living breathing world which players will gladly explore for hours upon end.

For those who will be picking up the game on either Xbox One or PS4, the graphics are decent and on-par with the quality the PC version gives. It might not be the most prettiest games you may have played, but it certainly has the most deepest gameplay yet. There is not a lot of differences between the console and PC versions, so those who will be picking up the game on either platforms shouldn’t worry much the quality they’ll get. They all include solid textures, impressive character models, great draw distance, and an impressive post-apocalyptic environment. Similar to Fallout 3 and New Vegas, you will certainly feel the atmosphere of the game.


The only major issue which will face PC gamers is that the user interface feels like it has been designed for consoles and being played on a controller. From the chat arrows to the perk chart the UI is more intuitive for use with a controller, rather than mouse and keyboard. It does little to detract for the game, but for those wanting to play with mouse and keyboard will find using some of the interfaces less intuitive. This is a problem which PC players of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim did endure and as with Skyrim it is safe to say a mod will most probably be created to fix this.

In case you were worried that the 400 hours of developer created content, with the promise already from Bethesda of multiple pieces of downloadable content, more content will be made by fans for Fallout 4. In the past, PC gamers were the only to get their hands on a lot of creative fan made content, and some rather adult extras. From tweaking visuals of towns to adding entire new regions with uniquely voiced quest lines, mods have added plenty of content and for the first time console gamers will get to experience them. The only issue that may occur for added quests is the player voicing: not including any may be an immersion breaking experience and will be hard to get around.


Our Verdict

JPS-Editors-ChoiceFallout 4 is exactly what fans are hoping for, ever since its initial announcement.. Boston gives the game a new location to explore which offers a mix of environments. The core game remains as solid as ever and the new features only add to the game. You can wander for hours, discovering as you go, or follow long quest lines across the sprawling wasteland. The game lets you play your character in the style you want. All of this makes Fallout 4 the front-runner for Game of the Year.

[Editor’s Note: Fallout 4 was reviewed on a Xbox One and PC platform. The game was provided to us by the publisher for review purposes.]

Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 (PS Vita) Review


The Lego series has a habit of being extremely addicting no matter how old you are. Nothing is better than sitting on the couch and playing a game where you don’t have to worry about the hardships of a kill/death ratio or saving the galaxy from a race of harvesting aliens. In Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 for the Playstation Vita, players will assume control of Harry and company and duel their way through the last 3 books in the series leading up to the final duel with Voldemort.

With Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 already seeing a release on all of the other major consoles, will this entry add anything different to make it worth a purchase? Or is it just a copy and paste of what we have already seen? Here are the Hots and Nots of Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 for the Playstation Vita.


Fun Gameplay In A Portable Package

Lego Harry Potter offers the same fun gameplay that you would expect to find in a Lego game. Its also extremely easy for anyone to pick up and play right from the start. The game also provides helpful hints for those who may get stuck on some of the game’s puzzles. Harry Potter adds its own magical twist to the gameplay by allowing you to cast spells and create potions for combat and puzzles and players will once again collect the various bricks, stubs, mini-kits and secrets that the game has to offer. The game includes over 150 different characters for you to collect from the Happy Potter universe. The game spans the final 3 movies (The Order of the Phoenix, The Half Blood Prince and The Deathly Hallows) with The Deathly Hallows split into 2 different parts bringing the count to 4 different movies with 5 levels each all packed to the brim with goodies to find.

The dueling mode also returns in the portable version letting you duke it out with various characters from the HP universe in one on one magic duels. These play out like puzzle battles and tend to keep you on your toes in the later fights with harder characters. You have to cast your spell either to the left or right while either shielding or deflecting your opponents spells. These can get hectic when spells are flying everywhere and can be really fun when you are simultaneously casting your own spells and deflecting your opponents spells back at them. This mode is definitely a good diversion from the main game.

Great Soundtrack Brings In Music From The Movies

Even the portable version of Lego Harry Potter utilizes the excellent music that was found in the movies. You can also expect the usual clinking of the studs and other sound effects that you would normally find in a typical Lego game. The spells crackle through the air and the Lego versions of the characters make their funny voices during the cutscenes. Telltale Games really did a good job of bringing the entire Lego experience to the handheld.


Tons of Collectibles to Be Collected

As with every Lego title that has been released so far, there is a ton of things for you to find in the Vita version of Lego Harry Potter. Players will search each level for mini-kits, red bricks and studs in pursuit of the 100% completion. Players who want to get 100% in the game will have to collect all of items in a level, earn True Wizard in every level, collect all 150 characters and complete all of the different duels. There is definitely quite a bit for players to do and find in the game. Not to mention a big chunk of the things that you have to collect in levels have to be collected in free play mode with different characters meaning you will have to run through the story at least twice to get everything.


Lack of Any Sort of Co-op

Lego Harry Potter for the Playstation Vita lacks a multiplayer component of any kind. You can not connect with other players via ad-hoc or online in order to play the levels cooperatively. You can’t even connect with others to play the dueling mode. Without being able to play the story levels with a friend, it doesn’t really feel like a true Lego game. Not to mention it takes the flow out of things when you have to switch to the character you need rather than playing with a friend and having them play as another useful character. Maybe the next Lego entry will include a co-op feature.

Graphics Are A Bit Bland

The graphics in both the pre-rendered and gameplay scenarios could have been a bit better than they actually are. They tend to be really muddied and run together giving it a very bleak and bland look. The character models don’t look terrible but they can be a bit jagged at times and the game slow down when the action picks up with a big grouping of characters on the screen.


Doesn’t Offer Anything New

The Vita Version of Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 doesn’t really offer anything different from what can be experienced on the console version. The game includes touch function but you will find that it isn’t worth using since the same functions are also more conveniently mapped on the face buttons. Therefore if you have played the game on a different console then you really won’t find anything new here unless you are looking for a portable Lego experience.


Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 for the Playstation Vita is a game that should only be bought if you haven’t played it before or are looking for a portable Lego experience for a road trip. The gameplay is fun and easy to pick up and there is quite a bit for you to collect, but with it lacking the co-op experience and not offering anything new, this really isn’t the defining Lego game for the Playstation Vita. You may be better off waiting for Lego Batman 2 to hit the Vita.

[Editor’s Note: Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 was reviewed on the Playstation Vita hardware. The game was provided to us by the publisher for review purposes.]

Lunar Silver Star Harmony Review

Lunar Silver Star Harmony is a remake of the classic PS1 RPG Lunar: Silver Star Story. The PSP sees a lot of ports and remakes, some good and some bad. Being a part of the PlayStation family, it seems obvious to use the handheld to bring some of the RPGs of days gone by back to life, in the form of an updated remake. Meaning it will bring an entirely new audience to the series. The Lunar games have had their ups and downs though, and the series has not always been at its finest. The original game was fantastic, although very tough. The sequel wasn’t as hard or as memorable, but was an overall fun experience. Then things went quiet, until Lunar Legend, a GBA version, was released.

Lunar Legend was…not quite up to par. Of course no one expected it to be an exact port of the PS1 game, but what people got was a gimped, sub-par version, with many battles removed, dungeons shortened or removed, and difficulty lowered so much, the game could be completed in two days tops. Then came Lunar: Dragon Song for the DS, a prequel to the original game. A broken battle system and boring story brought this game down, and thus crushed our hopes of ever getting a great Lunar game again.

Well here we are 11 years after the release of the original, and we finally have a proper Lunar game that does the series justice. This remake is everything you could ask for and then some. Just how good is it? Let’s take a look at the HOTs and NOTs of Lunar Silver Star Harmony.


Improved graphics.
All the graphics have been revamped for this game. The original Lunar was released in 1995 on the Sega Saturn, so it comes as no surprise that the game looks very dated. The sprite animations were minimal at best, and while it was good at the time, its very dated in today’s terms. Game Arts has done all new sprite animations and it really makes the game pop. The sprites are bright and colorful, and are rendered very well. Each one leaps off the screen and are full of personality. The environments have also been improved. The trees, the buildings, everything looks better and the colors are much more vibrant. This game looks very pretty, and it’s some of the best I’ve seen on the PSP in terms of 2D sprite animation.

Improved music
Along with better graphics comes better music. All the original tracks remain, but have been rerecorded, so no more midi mono tunes. The original tracks remain intact, but now sound much better. There’s really not much more to say, just that you’ll love what you hear. The sound effects have also been improved, with more added in to give the game a more realistic sound design. The voices have also been rerecorded. The voice actors do their best, but the animation hasn’t been changed, so you still get the occasional fast-talking moment. At times, voice actors will go through a few sentences without stopping for a breath just to keep up with the animation. Still, the voices are fitting, although it is odd to hear different voices coming from these characters, especially Nall.

Gameplay is still solid.
The most important thing has remained almost completely untouched. While the graphics and music may have been dated, the gameplay of the original was solid, and has been ported over perfectly. The battle system is turned-based, and still requires your character to move into the right position to hit the enemy. This is classic RPG action at it’s finest.


Somewhat simplified
For all its improvements, the game does have a few flaws. The biggest flaw is that this game is easier than the original, but for some this may not be a bad thing. The original game was brutal, and offered no mercy. It had some balance issues, and yes, it forced players to grind at times. This game has improved the balance issues significantly, so players won’t have to mindlessly grind just to earn a few levels to take down one boss. I noticed that even just the first dungeon in this version, I was able to make it through in one go, no deaths and no having to grind at the dungeon entrance. So like I said, it is easier, but for those unfamiliar with the game, or those who didn’t enjoy the challenge level of the original, this could be a positive.

Nothing New

Being a remake, people shouldn’t expect anything new from this game. You do get a bit more back-story on the history of Dragonmaster Dyne, which is awesome, but for the most part this is the same game. While this isn’t a bad thing, it may be a tad disappointing to someone looking for something new in terms of RPG gameplay. The style of game is very old-school, so for those looking for something similar to newer RPGs, you might find yourself a bit bored with the battle system. Still, I don’t consider this a bad thing per se, since this is a remake, gamers shouldn’t expect an overhaul of the game design.


Overall, Lunar Silver Star Harmony is the Lunar game we’ve wanted for years. It’s a faithful remake of the classic RPG that has everything we loved about the original, while removing most of what we hated. Is it the most original RPG? No, not by a long shot, but no one should expect it to be. It’s just a solid remake with excellent graphics, acting, and gameplay, and will fill the need for RPG junkies looking for something new.

Dissidia 012: Duodecim Final Fantasy Review


Although the PSP is starting to lose its shine as the Next Generation Portable is coming later this year, there are still games out there worth picking up for the PSP. To name a few, The 3rd Birthday and the much awaited follow-up title to Dissidia, Duodecim Final Fantasy are both solid PSP titles. For those who enjoyed Dissidia back in 2009, Duodecim is here to bring back some of your favorite Final Fantasy characters in the series and offer a new type of gameplay and characters.

What are the major differences between Duodecim and Dissidia? Is Duodecim a worthy sequel, and does it warrant your hard-earned money? Let’s take a look at the HOTs and NOTs of Dissidia 012: Duodecim Final Fantasy to find out!


New Playable Characters
In addition to the characters we’ve played in Dissidia, Duodecim adds eight more characters from the Final Fantasy universe. The new characters in Duodecim such as Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII, Laguna in Final Fantasy VIII, Yuna in Final Fantasy X, and Vaan from Final Fantasy XII, will carry most of their signature moves and attacks. There are several hidden characters in the game that are unlockable by finishing certain tasks and they are usually worth the effort. Similar to the first title, these new characters will have their own story to tackle and just like an RPG, you can customize their equipment before heading into each battle.

Same Battle System w/ New Assist Mode
Nothing has changed in the way the battle system works in Duodecim. For those who played Dissidia, gamers can still switch from action to an RPG style when it comes to the battle system. To win a fight, you must carry more brave points than your opponent and do a finishing attack to win. To carry more brave points, attack the enemy with the circle button, and with every attack you land you essentially steal their brave points. If you’ve been playing Dissidia recently, Duodecim’s battle system should feel very familiar.

A new addition to the battle system of Duodecim is the ability to have an assistant when battling. Just like in some fighting games, other characters can jump in to assist you in taking down an enemy. In Duodecim, you will have an opportunity to do this whenever you are in the middle of an intense fight with your opponent. The attacks that the assisting characters will have are pre-determined. The only way that you can summon the assisting character is by increasing the assist meter by continuously attacking the opponent successfully. While this is only a small addition to the fun and addicting battle system of Duodecim, it makes a big difference by allowing for new combinations and more exciting combat.

New Story Mode
Recent Final Fantasy games that Square Enix released have lacked a world map. In Duodecim, Square Enix finally brings the world map back in the story mode of the game and allows us to fully explore the world of Duodecim. Just like in the past Final Fantasy games featuring a world map, there are on-screen enemies that you will have to fight, treasure chests to discover, and areas to explore. Exploring the world map will bring back old memories from classic Final Fantasy games for anyone who is familiar to the series.

The areas that you will enter from the world map will bring you to the same chess board-type level progression where you will have to move from one location to the next until you reach a marker that clears the level. Instead of getting DP, you will now earn KP, which stands for KUPO POINTS, which you can use to trade with the Moogles that you meet on the world map. These Kupo Points are obtained by clearing a level and winning a fight.

New Extras
Duodecim offers a lot of extras for players to enjoy. Duodecim Prologus, set for release before Duodecim, will give players an opportunity to have Aerith from Final Fantasy VII transfered over to the retail version of the game where she can be used as an assist character. If you’ve been keeping the Dissidia save file in your memory stick, transferring the save data to Duodecim will transfer the equipment and levels that the characters have on the first game.

A new feature that is noteworthy is the ability to create a quest, share it to everyone via MogWeb, and play it. In the new feature, players will have the power to create their own battles, change the length of time of each round, set background music, choose character icons in the dialogue boxes, and a lot more. Whenever you are done with the quest, you can upload them via MogWeb and let everyone in the world play your creation.


Story is Weak
Dissidia has never been a story-oriented game that Final Fantasy fans will appreciate. In Duodecim, the story is as weak as the first one. There are different scenarios that you will have to go through and their story is not as strong as the ones you will find in a Final Fantasy game. It’s pretty much the Cosmos versus Chaos, just like in Dissidia. To finish the story mode, you will have to play through all the scenarios of the characters in the game and go through the chessboard type gameplay.

Mediocre Voice Overs
While the presentation of Duodecim is as impressive as the first one, the only thing that kills the moment when watching those CG cut scenes are the voice overs. We’re not really used to hearing voices from classic Final Fantasy games, but in Duodecim characters such as Kain, Tifa, and Laguna have mediocre voice overs. While they don’t completely ruin the experience when watching some scenes, there will be some hardcore Final Fantasy fans, like myself, who will not appreciate their voices. If you’ve played Final Fantasy XIII, you will be happy to hear that they managed to retain Lightning’s voice.

Feels like Dissidia…
When a sequel comes out for a game, it must give us the feeling of a completely new game, while at the same time maintaining its connection to the previous title. In Duodecim, I felt like I was playing Dissidia. Sure, new characters and the assist character features are nice additions to Duodecim, but they’re not big enough for me to really notice that they are there. The only addition that I’ve really noticed and appreciate is the ability to make quests, but the success of that new feature depends on players taking advantage of it and making the community grow.


Just like its predecessor, Duodecim: Final Fantasy offers the same amount of fun for an enjoyable experience. The new assist and playable characters that the game has to offer are a nice addition for anyone who loves brawling with other Final Fantasy characters. Similar to Dissidia, Duodecim fails once again in crafting a good storyline, and essentially it’s pretty much the same game as Dissidia. If you’ve been thinking of getting into the Dissidia series, I suggest purchasing the first one and only picking up Duodecim if you are really interested in experiencing the new additions.

[Editor’s Note: Dissidia 012: Duodecim Final Fantasy was reviewed on the PSP platform. The game was provided to us by the publisher for review purposes.]

Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky Review


While it may not have the name recognition of some other games in the RPG genre, the Atelier series from GUST has maintained a steady release schedule on PlayStation platforms since its first game back in 1997 on the original PlayStation. We have seen side games on other platforms, but Sony has managed to keep all of the mainline games on their own consoles over the years. That has not changed as our latest release is the next entry in the mainline series, exclusively for the PlayStation 3, known as Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky.


Unlike past games, when you first start up the game you must pick between two characters named Logix “Logy” Fiscario and Escha Malier. Whichever of the two characters you pick will be the one you control for the rest of the game, so it is a pretty big decision. However, the one you do not pick will still be with you throughout the game, just as your companion. The character interactions are specific to each one, but overall there is not much difference in the two, other than these interactions and the inability to move your chosen character from the front line in formations prior to battle.

Escha is your younger option as a resident of Corseit, she knows her away around and handles most of the synthesizing you will do in the Atelier. Logy is the new guy in town that joins the team with Escha, both as alchemists. Coming from an area known as Central City, Logy is the more veteran alchemist, but is from a much more advanced city than the small town of Corseit. Both characters have distinct personalities that set themselves apart, though still falling under some typical genre stereotypes.


As you play through the game, you will gain new party members as the story brings them into play. These include Escha’s brother Awin, as well as Threia, Reyfer, Lucille, and even the returning character Linca. They each have their own unique attack style, such as the very different use of earrings to attack with Threia. These are further brought out by the special supports, which will be discussed later.

Taking perhaps only a minor element of a lot of other games in the genre, the Atelier series has always had a major focus on alchemy and that is certainly no different here. However, it is definitely not a carbon copy of past games. While past entries in the franchise has had a major focus on alchemy, with combat only being more of a side note, this one splits the experience almost down the middle between the two. These two are intermixed through the use of assignments from your superior Marion, who also returns from a prior entry in the series.


For every reporting period, you will have one main assignment to complete, such as to investigate why the source of an entire village’s water supply has dried up. These will be more story oriented while the rest of your assignments are like sidequests, such as having to gather a certain number of gathering a certain number of items per period or synthesizing a certain number of items. Many of these assignments are completed by moving across the world map, which is setup almost like a board game with you moving all around spaces to get to new locations. In each of these locations you will be doing two things, gathering items and fighting enemies.


This leads to one of my biggest complaints of Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky, the repetitiveness found from doing a lot of this. While there are some advancements and variations, most of the time you will be going to and from each of these locations and then defeating the four or so sets of enemies and collecting the four or five items in each and move to the next. It would have served better if there was some sort of difference between them, but it’s a lot of the same. However, while repetitive, it can still be quite fun thanks to a fantastically complex fighting system.


At the start of the game, the combat is very simplistic, but it gradually gets more and more complex the further you get. With only three party members and only basic attacks, you will mostly just be attacking back and forth with enemies while getting the hang of the biggest part of the gameplay, known as the support system. With this, you can choose to string together support attacks on top of regular attacks or defend your party members from enemy attacks. This requires a lot of strategy, which is even further enhanced with the special support attacks later that are unique to each character. The really neat thing about the support system is you can choose how you want to use it, as you can pick whether you want to stick to all offensive, all defensive, or a balance of the two.


Another key to battle, which brings more strategy into the picture as well, is the formation setup. Prior to battle, you can setup your formations in almost anyway you please. Your chosen protagonist, either Logy or Escha, will always remain in the front row, unless changed in actual battle, but the rest can be switched around how you please. The three characters in the front will be the ones attacking the most, so it might be a good idea to put your strongest there to start off, but you have the option to choose what you want to do.

As previously mentioned, alchemy is a major part of this game and just like the combat, it grows as you get further in the game. At the start, the alchemy is pretty simplistic with the basic adding of ingredients to make other items, with little experimentation possible. However, as you branch out on the world map, you will find an abundance of ingredients that can be used in a variety of different recipes. Some of these items you will make are just used for other alchemy recipes, while some of them can be used in battle, like bombs. At first, you will only have the cauldron for basic synthesis, but later you gain access to the ability to imbue weapons and dismantle items down to their raw materials. Alchemy gets very addictive fast and is going to keep you coming back again and again.


Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky’s graphical style just feels right for this type of game. The characters all have unique character designs and look great, even with a somewhat lack of actual animation of them, as most interactions are simple conversations. The backgrounds look good as well, but are a little lackluster most of the time with none of them really standing out beyond the city of Corseit. The music also fit the setting of the game quite well, with some tracks actually reminding me of those from both the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts series.


For those coming to this game expecting an epic story like that seen in the Final Fantasy series, you are definitely in the wrong place. Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky provides a more quaint story, that features more on the characters interactions with one another than anything else. There is no main antagonist who will be at your throats the entire game, but you will come across conflicts in your new job in the town.

If you have never played any prior games in the Atelier series, do not let that turn you away from trying out this latest entry. While many elements are similar and even a couple characters make reappearances, this title is mostly a standalone experience. The main characters, as well as most others, are completely new to the series. As a result, those new to the series would know just as much about what is going on as those who have played games from the series in the past. The only disadvantage would really be not knowing the gameplay system and perhaps taking awhile to learn it.


Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky is a very fun little game that I sadly have a feeling will be missed by many in the sea of other major releases. While the assignment system may get very repetitive at times, we still get a fantastic alchemy and combat system to complement it that will keep you coming back. The support system in battle is very unique and brings a lot of strategy to the battles, rather than mindless attacking back and forth. This one has plenty of content, so you will certainly be busy for quite awhile with this game.As a mostly standalone title, Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky is an excellent jumping on point for those who may be interesting in the Atelier series. For anyone that enjoys a good low-key RPG, this game may be perfect for you.

[Editor’s Note:Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky was reviewed on the PlayStation 3. The game was provided to us by the publisher for review purposes.]

Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk Review

One thing that stands out about Nippon Ichi Software titles is they’re always more than meets the eye. Disgaea routinely took seemingly silly plots and made them, if nothing else, interesting. Similar things happen with The Witch and the Hundred Knight series. They start as fairly silly experiences that lead to a much deeper experience. Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk has all the makings of a great Nippon Ichi Software title. Cute art, quirky characters, familiar mechanics and so much more. However, will they continue to find success or do they need a new approach?

Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk tells a seemingly simple story. Refrains acting governor wants to explore the mysterious labyrinth and calls in the infamous witch Baba Yaga to do it. Armed with the Tactatus de Monstrum, a legendary book written by the only person to ever make it out of the labyrinth alive, and a variety of puppets, Baba Yaga hopes to uncover what secrets the labyrinth holds and come out ahead. Even if there isn’t much on the surface, it quickly becomes a more complicated adventure, complete with dark twists and unexpected turns.


Beyond the overarching story, character beats and relationships should be familiar to fans of Nippon Ichi Software’s other titles. Baba Yaga, otherwise known as Dronya, manages to be the ever lovable quirky main. She is full of herself, flirtatious, dislikes children, despite her foil and sidekick being a child, and at times, quite charming. Her assistant Luca is a young child filled with optimism, cute mannerism and ever so easy to tease. They make for a cute pair and help drive the story during the slow bits, as does exploration.

The labyrinth acts as a fairly familiar dungeon system. Players start by creating puppets to do their bidding. Knights are good at damage, Fortress units are tanks, Maze does magic and the other classes fulfill other specific roles. Players can then alter their gender, appearance (at least skin tone/color), affinity (how well they work with a given item), bonus skill (innate bonus ability) and more. It offers just enough to make it feel good, without it being too complicated for the casual observer. From there these characters are placed in a group, followed by formation and these will be your fighters.


Upon entering the labyrinth players will find it plays like your average dungeon crawler. Everything is in first person, maps need to be explored, some paths exist for shortcuts and plenty of treasure to find. What stands out in Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk is a hostile indicator. By playing it just right players can avoid battles, though it will hurt you in the long run, or ignore it and face as many foes as you happen to run across.

Battles are pretty straightforward. Whatever foe you’ve come across will appear on the screen and you need to overcome it. This can be done through magic, attacking in a specific order, figuring out its weakness and more. If you have enough power and/or items and don’t mind monitoring health, a lot of battles can be done on auto pilot. This will make it harder to capitalize on chain bonuses and other things, which give you additional power to overcome difficult challenges, though these are only so useful against sub-boss tier characters.


Defeating an enemy will give you experience and mana to further your team. These will increase stats, give new abilities and other things to aid your adventure. Mana can be used to pass petitions to alter the game, similar with the aforementioned Nippon Ichi Software titles. So if you want it easier, buy that and the game will be easier with progressing being harder. Likewise, you can increase the difficulty at the cost of things being easier to do. There are other things to pass, such as the ability to find more items, making it an important resource.

Said items can also be found, bought or obtained to boost a character’s stats. They’re important to monitor, as every little bit goes a long way. Especially since there are plenty of things players will be punished for doing.


Unlike most games, holding a certain amount of mana, losing and other things have stiff punishments. Not only do they make things harder, it adds a deeper level of tactical play. Now you have to do something or deal with the negative, with the most important thing being limbs. Puppets with a reduced number of limbs are less effective on the battlefield and will be a hindrance unless fixed or replaced. It makes for an interesting failure penalty, since it’s a more overt way to punish that taking cash or outright progress.


Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk isn’t perfect but it manages to stand out in its own way. With Baba Yaga/Dronya and Luca being a charming couple, it helps the story from dragging, ultimately leading down an interesting path. While gameplay isn’t perfect and at times very paint by numbers, it’s fun enough for this not to be a problem. So, if you’re a big fan of Nippon Ichi Software or enjoy dungeon crawlers, give Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk a go.

[Editor’s Note: Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk was reviewed on PS4 platform. The game was provided to us by the publisher for review purposes.]

Prinny Presents NIS Classics Volume 1: Phantom Brave / Soul Nomad Review

A fear with any numbered release is the possibility of it containing information that requires the previous releases. Sometimes it’s a conceptual sequel, like Disgaea, Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest do, and other times they’re inner connected in different ways. Nippon Ichi Software certainly found some luck with Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure, leading to La Pucelle: Tactics and ultimately their runaway hit, Disgaea: Hour of Darkness. While all these series would eventually become connected in some way, many of them are stuck in the past, with the most notable being Makai Kingdom: Chronicles of the Sacred Tome where we learn about Overlord Zetta. Still, these characters keep returning without a great understanding of who they are or why anyone should care. This is unfortunate, which lead to Nippon Ichi Software making Prinny Presents NIS Classics Volume 1: Phantom Brave / Soul Nomad. This, ideally series, focuses more on bringing these forgotten titles forward but are they really worth revisiting?

While most players associate Nippon Ichi Software with Disgaea and things of the like, Phantom Brave is an extremely impactful tactical RPG. It was one of their first games to feature a more serious plot that has a more serious tone. Even though it doesn’t reach the same narrative heights of, say, Labyrinth of Refrain, it’s a powerful story all the same.


Phantom Brave begins with a group of heroes in a dire situation. With monsters coming at them from every direction, death seems assured. The scene ends with one of the heroes calling on their power for help, followed coldly by a time skip where you meet Marona and her protector Ash.

While that scene depicts Ash and Marona’s parents final moments, ultimately setting up Ash as her guardian, it plays out in a unique way. Instead of having Marona crushed by both her loss and being alienated for her unique ability to see and interact with phantoms, she is an energetic girl defined by her compassion for others. Most of the weight actually falls on Ash, who fears her naïve attitude will bring heartache and his ongoing efforts to protect her from the hateful nature of people. Both characters grow and evolve, leading to a climatic showdown at the end.


As for Soul Nomad, it’s much closer to what you’d expect from Disgaea. This adventure opens with a retelling of the worlds history. Essentially, there was peace, someone challenged that with these unstoppable creatures known as World Eaters. Various people elect to ally with the unstoppable force for fear of being crushed by them in the future. However, said force is defeated and the aforementioned World Eaters go to sleep.

A couple centuries later, the player character is given a sword for completing their training that contains Gig, the unstoppable force from the past. He attempts to take over your body, though unresolved problems make his attempt unsuccessful. Instead, you form an alliance with the arrogant Master of Death, ultimately working together to bring an end to the World Eaters.

Unlike other adventures, there is an alternate path that allows Gig to go on a rampage. This one allows different characters, has a cameo by Laharl and other neat things to explore.


Since both games are tactical RPGs, they play in a similar way, though their execution is completely different. In Phantom Brave, players are allowed to move over a 3D grid and attack foes within range. It allows for a more personalized experience, even if it plays out the same general way. Soul Nomad uses the standard grid, though implements the briefly popular side-by-side animation some older games feature. This means you’ll see both parties, focus will shift to one side and then the other. It can make things interesting, though it doesn’t change much in terms of execution.

Despite both games having untold hours of fun, grinding and a great look at how Laharl, Asagi, Baal and other more mainstay characters were in the past, it’s important to know Soul Nomad is a straight port.

Unlike Phantom Brave, which has seen multiple releases, enhancements and rereleases over the years, Soul Nomad is extremely dated. It’s still in 4:3, meaning you will see black bars on the sides and it’s missing a lot of refinement. It feels like a massive step back if played after Phantom Brave, due to it featuring later improvements and can simply be rough. It’s absolutely worth giving a try, but it is something to strongly consider.

Prinny Presents NIS Classics Volume 1: Phantom Brave / Soul Nomad Review Verdict

For the money, Prinny Presents NIS Classics Volume 1: Phantom Brave / Soul Nomad is a great deal. Phantom Brave is one of their best tactical RPGs and Soul Nomad has enough to justify the experience. It’s a shame the latter is a port over a remake but the gameplay itself is still decent by today’s standards and including Phantom Brave makes it easier to overlook.

[Editor’s Note: Prinny Presents NIS Classics Volume 1: Phantom Brave / Soul Nomad was reviewed on Nintendo Switch and a copy was provided to us for review purposes.]

Star Ocean: First Departure R Review

Star Ocean started its journey on the Super Famicom over two decades ago. Since then the first game has found its way on the PSP in 2008 and now again on the PlayStation 4 and Switch. Given the limited nature, a number of players have yet to experience Star Ocean, so is Star Ocean: First Departure R worth (re)visiting or should it be forgotten in the past? Here’s our Star Ocean: First Departure R Review. Star Ocean: First Departure R follows the story of Roddick, Millie, and Dorne as they patrol the village as part of their day-to-day routine. On one fateful day, a mysterious plague sets in that suddenly turns people into stone. Hoping to find a cure at a nearby mountain by gathering what they call a medicinal herb, things have started to change when two people from a far more advanced civilization suddenly teleport in front of them.

Star Ocean: First Departure R

Ronyx and Ilia, the other main protagonists of the game, are the humans from the Planet Earth that explain to Roddick and his friends that the plague that spread in their planet called Roak is a biological weapon that was developed by Lezonia in Planet Earth. Wishing that a far more advanced civilization like Earth will be able to cure the people of Planet Roak, they are mistaken. To cure the plague, they must get a sample of an archfiend that only existed 300 years ago. The only way they can achieve that is to go to the past, and that’s where Roddick and his friends will be joined by Ronyx and Illia in search of the cure. Since the game is more than two decades old, don’t expect the story to be as deep as other Star Ocean games or JRPG games. It’s fairly simple and easy to follow for those hoping it wouldn’t have a convoluted story like other games these days.

For those who have played previous Star Ocean games before, the battle system should be familiar at some point. Instead of its turn-based classic battle system that was introduced in older JRPG games, First Departure R is an action-oriented battle system. When you battle an enemy, you will be able to control one of the four characters in your party, while the other three are controlled by an AI. You smash the X button to attack an enemy using a regular attack and pressing the shoulder buttons, LI or R1 will allow your character to perform special attacks. The combat is fairly basic, yet fun at times and doesn’t require complicated button pressing to defeat an enemy- though there are times the difficulty spikes up in combat all of a sudden.

Star Ocean: First Departure R Review - Screenshots 03

In addition to simply taking down enemies, the other things that you will be doing in the game are crafting or mastering skills that make your party stronger. Whenever a character gains a level, you will receive a Skill point that you can use onto your characters. These abilities can be used on and off the battle and will greatly improve your character’s performance in battle. As far as crafting goes, you can create items that you can use in both cooking or in battle. Don’t worry about its complexity as they are fairly easy to understand as they are basic at most.

Seeing how First Departure R is the game that started the Star Ocean series, there are things that in this game that evolved in succeeding games. One of the features that are common in Star Ocean games is the Private Actions that you can trigger with certain characters. In First Departure R, we can see how the Private Actions have started and how it evolved in other Star Ocean games. To gain more insight or learn more about the character, you trigger Private Actions when a prompt appears on the screen. This is purely optional but to fully enjoy what the game has to offer when it comes to story, it’s highly recommended that you take a look at it.

Star Ocean: First Departure R Review - Screenshots 02

With the game being a port of the PSP version that was launched back in 2008, First Departure R doesn’t have any new content to offer. In fact, if you have played the PSP version before or even the Super Famicom ones, you will be playing the same exact version, except with minor changes. The minor changes that the team behind Star Ocean: The Last Hope did with First Departure R is improving the artwork. Right at the beginning of the game, players will be able to choose whether to use artwork from the original version or the new one specifically designed for this version.

In terms of visuals, the game remains true to the original, except the sprites look crisper and detailed. CG cutscenes are untouched, where you will notice that even the audio hasn’t been improved. However, the majority of the cutscenes still have voice-overs, which makes it better when it comes to going through those lengthy scenes in the game.

Star Ocean: First Departure R Review - Screenshots 01

If you have played the PSP version in the past and were annoyed with things like backtracking or random encounters, they remain present in the PS4 version. Sadly, there are no modifiers present to turn them off, and this is something you will be dealing with. At this day and age, random encounters are frowned upon and may not appeal to the new generation of gamers. Also, if you are one of those that simply hate backtracking, prepare to do it on this game as there is plenty to look forward to.

Star Ocean: First Departure R Review – Verdict

Star Ocean: First Departure R is a classic game that reminds us of where the series started. While it is certainly fun and enjoyable, it retains a number of traits associated with the best JRPGs. These include a simple storyline, a fascinating combat system, and a relatively straightforward adventure. If you’re from a newer generation of JRPG fans, you might find the excessive random encounters, backtracking and minimal depth annoying and might want to stick to more modern releases. Still, veteran fans will likely remember why this series became so popular in the first place.

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