Another video game movie has been released in the form of Assassin’s Creed. Sadly, the movie suffers the same fate as many others before it.
As seen on Rotten Tomatoes, the rating for the Assassin’s Creed movie is a dismal 16% as of time of writing. This is very poor and it’s unlikely going to make a lot of money at the Box Office.
According to the critics, the movie is boring and most of it takes place in the present day. This means the majority of the film doesn’t have actual assassination type action like in the video games.
Not to mention they say it has a complicated plot and that the editing is poor. The movie is out later this week in North America, but it’s likely the casual audience won’t like it either.
This is another roadblock to video game movies. Many hoped that Assassin’s Creed and Warcraft will be the first two great video game movies. Sadly, the critics ended up hating both of them.
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